Panel discussion: Lifelong Learning 2.0

Harald Herlin, Makerspace

Otaniementie 9

26.3.2019 16—18
Janne Hellsten, Wikimedia Commons

Without knowhow there is no welfare, research or economic growth. How can people ensure they get work experience in their own field while still studying? And how can we guarantee that people’s skills will remain relevant during a career lasting several decades?

Aalto University and the Aalto University Student Union are organizing a parliamentary election panel, at the centre of which, will be combining work and studies, and lifelong learning.

The panel will be held in the Makerspace, in the basement of the Harald Herlin Learning Centre. The venue is wheelchair accessible. There are 80 seats, so make sure you arrive in good time!

The discussion will be held in Finnish.

Heikki Isotalo 040 575 9092