Futuretalks movie night: The Grand Budapest Hotel

21.5.2019 18:00—20:30

In honour of the upcoming European Parliament election (26 May), AYY is offering its members a chance to see the societal comedy film The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014).

The Grand Budapest hotel is a quirky adventure directed by Wes Anderson and set in an imaginary state of Zubrowka in interwar era Europe.

Has Europe learned from its troubled past?

Before the film screening there is going to be a speech about the topic.

The film is screened at TOKYO ry’s Kino Sheryl cinema. The cinema is accessible. The discussion will be held in English.

The event is free! There are 80 tickets available to the screening. Binding sign-up is opening on monday 6th of May.

Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta
Heikki Isotalo
heikki.isotalo@ayy.fi 040 575 9092