Hitchball 4000

Around northern and eastern Europe
6.6.2014 18:00—11:00 8.6.2014

Let the adventure begin!

Hitchball 4000 is an epic hitchhiking race across Northern and Eastern Europe. It’s a weekend-long adventure you’re not soon to forget. Already a tradition, the event is now organized for the second time. The feedback from last year’s teams was excellent. Some even went as far as calling it one of the greatest and most eye-opening experiences of their lives. Several first-timers became very excited about this great form of transportation.

So find yourself a team mate to build a lasting bond with and take a leap of faith to the next level. It’ll pay off! The winner is the team that with a cunning tactic hitchhikes in the best possible ratio the longest way possible and the farthest possible from the starting point during the weekend, and gets back in time as well. The winners will be awarded with fame and glory in addition to a real prize 🙂 The winning team will get for a year to decorate their home with the Hitchball 4000 Cup to which the name of the team will be engraved as well.

Each team embarks a GPS tracking unit, will enables their progress to be followed on the web page of Hitchball 4000, as well as their pictures and updates from the road. The teams will also be given some fun tasks to do along the way. In addition to the prize for the actual race, with separate criteria, one team will be awarded with the Spirit of Hitchball award.

The registration for the competition opens on Monday 12th at http://hitchball4000.fi/registration on May 29th at 23:59. When registering teams must provide us with an address to their Tumblr profile where we hope to see updates from along the race. The posts will also be shown on the Hitchball 400 web page.

Event web page: http://www.hitchball4000.fi/

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/666103113463550/

General FB page of Hitchball 4000: https://www.facebook.com/hitchball4000

Good luck and Godspeed!

Aava, AYY
