Intensive courses on oriental and creative dance in February!

7.2.2014 17:00—19:00 7.3.2014

Polijazz organizes two great intensive courses of oriental dance and creative dance in February. The teacher will be Karita Kajanto.

Oriental dance
The course is suitable for beginners, and will introduce you to the basic moves and music of oriental dance. It will be held on five Fridays: 7.2., 14.2., 21.2., 28.2. and 7.3. at 17.00-18.00 in Jämeräntaival 3A, Otaniemi.

Creative dance
The course focuses on the body’s natural movement by means of modern dance, breath and internal support. It is suitable for all regardless of previous dance background. The course will be held on five Fridays: 7.2., 14.2., 21.2., 28.2. and 18.00-19.00 in Jämeräntaival 3A, Otaniemi.

Register at The course fee is 20 euros per course and it is to be paid to the account “Polijazz ry” BIC NDEAFIHH, FI19 1309 3000 0596 83 with a reference number 13 before the first lesson. Take a receipt of the payment to the first lesson.

Welcome to enjoy dancing!

Polijazz ry