First Date Sitsit

6.10.2011 18:00—04:05 7.10.2011

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey, people from Aalto ES are dreaming of California but you are dreaming of her, dreaming of him, and wondering if you should take that special one on a date… Or maybe have you been in a relationship for so long that you have even forgotten how to hit on someone? Well in any case, the International Section of AYY offers you a perfect training with the First Date Sitsit!

How would you dr…ess up for the first date with the woman or the man of your dreams? Rather smoking and martini or Naked Man technique? Review the best Barney Stinson tips, sharpen your funniest pick-up lines and release the George Clooney, the Scarlett Johansson… or the Borat in you and discover the Finnish sitsit culture (sitsit = a traditional student party with singing, drinking, eating and having fun) at Smökki on October 6 starting from 18:00. Afterparty will be held in Rantasauna.

Tickets cost 15€ (13€ without alcohol) and will be sold in the main building of Otaniemi Campus from 26.9 to 3.10 between 11:00 and 13:00. Bring cash with you. We have 90 seats for international students.

Alternately, if you wanna have a look backstage and know how a sitsit party is organized, or if you wanna earn the Work fuksi points (mandatory in order to receive the Teekkari Cap ;)), come “work” at the First Date Sitsit! Then of course you don’t have to pay anything and you can enjoy the best party, which is said to be in the kitchen 😉 More info and registration:

In a nutshell:
What? First Date Sitsit by AYY International
When? October 6, 18:00
How much? 15/13€ (including a three course dinner, drinks and program)
Dresscode? First date
Why? Because sitsit are fun (and you want that guy or that chick in your bed)

AYY International Section +358407739119

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