International Sitsit

10.10.2013 19:00—23:30

The International Committee of AYY proudly presents: International Sitsit Goes Bananas!

The autumn falls darker and darker every moment. School work and responsibilities are crushing you like a ton of weight on your shoulders. Freezing winds and rains kill the last bits of summer still left in you… Luckily the International Committee has come up with a solution to this all; Go Bananas! Come, cut loose and forget your troubles for a night because life isn’t worth troubling yourself over! We provide you the fruits of south and spirit(s) of Finland to help joy and laughter win desperation and depression!

Sitsit is a traditional table party. What better way to kick back and take it easy than to sit with good friends and new friends for an evening full of singing and eating. So be sure to grab your friends and get your tickets in time so you don’t miss this great opportunity learn proper sitsi etiquette in a chilled out environment!

International Sitsit Goes Bananas is a part of the KEHY week. The themes of the KEHY week are employment & development and fair trade.

Key info shortly:
What: Sitsis for Internationals and Finns alike (sitsis are in English)
Where: Smökki (Jämeräntaival 4)
When: 10.10. Thursday starting at 19:00 with cocktails and Sitsi training!
Dress code: Formal (suit or similar/dress) laid back style
Tickets: 15€ / 12€ non-alcoholic
Ticket sales: Main building lobby 7.-8.10. 10-14


More information about Development Cooperation Week:

KVTMK, Mosaic


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