International week: Exchange Forum

14.11.2012 14:00

In Exchange Forum students that have studied abroad reflect upon their experiences in presentations of 10 to 15 minutes. They will talk about the application process, the destination, and what the whole experience has given them. If you are planning to go in exchange, have been in exchange or are currently in Finland through an exchange program, Exchange Forum will either prepare you for the future or let you compare the experiences of others with yours. The program begins at 14:00 in L hall with the speech of Eeva Lyytikäinen on global competence in work life and continues with ten presentations of exchange experiences. The speakers come from technology, arts and business and the represented countries have been chosen in a way that covers the globe in the most interesting way.

what: Leena Plym-Rissanen speaks on the topic Global competence in work. Also Listen to students reflecting upon their exchange experiences.
when: Wed 14.11. at 14.00
where: L-hall, Otaniemi main building

This event is part of the international week of AYY. Check out more information about the international week at!

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