Juurilla – Female Choir KYN & Juurakko (VocalEspoo Festival)

Espoon kulttuurikeskuksen Louhisali

Kulttuuriaukio 2, 02100 Espoo

6.6.2018 19:00—21:00

The 13th edition of the international VocalEspoo Festival will once again serve a concentrated dose of choral music in the beginning of June. Female Choir KYN has a privilege to be part of organizing VocalEspoo’s international choral composition competition and to perform twice during the festival: on Sunday June 3 in the Opening Concert of the festival and on June 6 in Juurilla (At the Roots) concert with Juurakko band. You have a unique opportunity to hear KYN sing two completely different repertoires within four days.

Join us in both concerts in order to find out how far KYN can stretch its talents and what’s up in the choral world at the moment!

Take also a look at the whole program of the VocalEspoo Festival and come and enjoy choral music June 3-9, 2018!

www.vocalespoo.fi ja https://www.facebook.com/VocalEspooFestival/

Juurilla (At the Roos) – Female Choir KYN & Juurakko

Wed June 6, 2018 at 7 pm

Espoo Cultural Centre, Tapiola Hall (Kulttuuriaukio 2, 02100 Espoo)

Female Choir KYN and folk group Juurakko are hands-on in earth, all the way to the very roots.

KYN takes you to the roos with the repertoire from its Outo kantele [Strange Kantele] album (Alba Records) released in March. You’ll hear music from two suites composed for KYN by Jukka Linkola: Loitsut [Incantations] and Outo kantele. Both suites look through the past to the future as old texts are transformed into fresh music. Loitsut draws its inspiration from the similarities Linkola found between the songs and chants of the local Native American tribes in the Lake Superior area and the old Finnish runes. The direction by Janne Marja-aho and live visuals by VJ Hellstone turn Loitsut into a stage performance that combines music, movement, lights and visuals. In Outo kantele, Linkola has fused the world of folk poetry with a dose of bold cabaret spirit, vibrant, even a bit theatrical expression and a pinch of jazzy groove. The suite is starred by accordionist Johanna Juhola and pianist Kirmo Lintinen. The choir is conducted by Kaija Viitasalo.

Juurakko combines root music and powerful storytelling by crossing blues-singing in Finnish to traditional instruments with rakish skiffle-attitude. Rough Juurakko-blues takes you from time to time to depths of a bog and then to a cruiser deck dance ball. The group traverses musical borders with joy and doesn’t hesitate to have their take even on the most whimsical stories.

Laura Kaartinen – vocals, portable harmonium, percussion / Eija Kankaanranta – kanteles / Kaisa Saarikorpi – vocals, , guitars, percussion / Minsku Tammela – vocals, bowed lyre, comb, mouth harp, percussion / Anna Wiksten – vocals, plankku, percussion


  • From Lippupiste 25/20/15 € + admin fee from 1 € (basic/ pensioners/ students, unemployed, conscripts, children 4-15 yrs)

You find the event also on  Facebookista!

Warmly welcome!

P.S. If you want to enjoy KYN’s music whenever and wherever you want, order one of our albums!

A special recommendation for our newest release, Outo kantele (price 20 € + postal fees)!
Order here!

“With regard to the use of voice and intensity, the whole is a firework of words, shades and articulation that makes your heart burst.” Keskisuomalainen April 16, 2018


KYN: Grand Prix Winner – Choir of the Year – #6 in the world ranking of female choirs

Want to hear our latest news and take a peek into the backstage? Like KYN on Facebook!

More about us and our music also on our website, YouTube and Spotify.

Now you find us also on Instagram with the name @kynchoir!

Kyn has risen to be one of the brightest stars on Finland’s choir scene and a precursor in jazz music.” Helsingin Sanomat HS 18.4.2017


Naiskuoro KYN