KYN: Valoja ja Varjoja – äänessä etninen jazz (a concert of ethnic jazz)

21.10.2014 19:00—21:30

KYN – Kauppakorkeakoulun ylioppilaskunnan naislaulajat
Conducts Kaija Viitasalo

Hi you all freshmen! Fill your contact information and get an invitation to KYN concert in Savoy theater on Tuesday October 21st. KYN is one of AYY’s associations but also a top Finnish female choir that has made ethnic jazz famous in Finland and abroad. Come and experience choir music like never before.

You can also fill your friend’s contact information and arrive together to the concert. You’ll get confirmation e-mail no later than 14th October. More information and

Invitations for the 50 first registrations.


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