Lakinlaskijaiset 2016

Vermon ravirata


30.9.2016 20:00—02:00

Lakinlaskijaiset 2016The largest and most spectacular party of the autumn at Vermo!
You can warm up for the evening at the super cool LL preparty in Smökki
right after Otatarhan ajot!

Illan esiintyjät
at 9.30pm GASELLIT
at 10.30pm PLUTONIUM 74
at 00.30am BIG PHARMA

Tickets 13e / 14e / 15e
in advance / from / at the door

Tickets are sold:
@AYY’s Otaniemi Service Point 21 Sep – 30 Sep during the opening hours
@Undergraduate Centre, Alvari Lobby 21 Sep – 23 Sep, 26 Sep – 30 Sep 10am-2pm
@Otatarhan ajot (at Ossinlampi), 30 Sep 2pm-5pm
@Porthania, city centre 28 Sep 11am-1pm
@Biokeskus 1, Viikki 23 Sep, 11am-1pm 21 Sep – 30 Sep

AYY Teekkarijaosto