Marketing Major Info

3.5.2016 15:00


Choose strategy, choose analytics, choose sales, choose creativity… Choose marketing. The Business in Aalto University School of Business.

What is studying marketing like and what kinds of career paths it can lead to? Why should you aim to become a marketing professional?

Aalto Marketing Society and the Marketing Department of Aalto answer to these and other relevant questions concerning marketing as Aalto BIZ major in the Marketing Major Info at Saha May 3 at 15:00 onwards. At the info you will hear about the different fields of marketing studies, hear what marketing as your major could offer you and answers to the most common questions about marketing in general – plus the possibility to ask questions yourself.

After the official part you have an excellent opportunity to get to know the Aalto Marketing Society board and other marketing major students accompanied by good food.

Aalto Marketing Society