Hyvinvointiviikko: Mindfulness for your wellbeing

Töölö campus, Business school, Arkadia Building, room OP-Pohjola (E-107).

Lapuankatu 2

2.10.2014 10:00—12:00

If you are looking for an ability to relax, decrease your physical and psychological symptoms, greater energy and enthusiasm for life and an improved self-esteem, come and learn about Mindfulness based stress reduction MBSR-method.

Mindfulness is a way of learning to relate directly to whatever is happening in your life, a way of taking charge of your life, a way of doing something for yourself that no one else can do for you.

By focusing and feeling what is going on in a particular moment, you will learn to notice your body’s current condition and your mind’s set. It will increase your awareness towards your body, mind, heart and soul. This will lead to a balanced sense of health and well-being.

Leena Pennanen, who is a mindfulness pioneer in Finland and brought it here more than 10 years ago, will be teaching about Mindfulness and convenient practices which you can apply to your daily life.

Further info and registration (login required): https://inside.aalto.fi/display/tapahtumat/Mindfulness+hyvinvointisi+tueksi+-+Mindfulness+for+your+wellbeing+on+Thursday+2.10.+at+10-12 .

Lecture will be hold in english or finnish dependig on participants.

Aalto Yliopisto

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