Mölkky tournament in Espoo

Perkkaa, mölkkyarena
26.10.2013 14:00

Elsewhere people are already moved to indoor play Mölkky, but here in Espoo we compete still outdoor. This is almost a traditional (second time) Espoo Mölkky at Perkkaa Mölkkyarena!

Welcome to very relaxed atmosphere to play some Mölkky! We take 32 participants and the entry fee is € 5.

Put private message (before 18th of october) me on facebook Sami Boman or email to samiboman(a)gmail.com. I’ll send you instructions where you can pay participation payment. Once the payment is received by the deadline you are a registered player. If you not fit in 32 throwers I’ll put you in the waiting list, and tell later if you’re in. However, if we do not get 32 pre-registered thrower, then there is still the opportunity to register at Espoo Mölkkyareena on game day from 12.00 (noon).


Sami Boman


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