Mosaic’s Café Lingua

29.10.2017 18:00—22:00

Welcome to Café Lingua!

Café Lingua is a free-form language learning opportunity, where people interested in particular languages gather around the same table to talk and to learn in a fun way. The idea is to practice languages in small groups, meeting people, learning about different cultures and at the same time enjoy a cup of coffee and snacks.

The event starts with small introductions to a couple of preselected languages by teachers from Aalto University’s Language Center and/or native students. Afterwards, you can join a table with the language you are interested in or set up a table for a new language!

Do not hesitate to come and join us if you are even slightly interested in languages and meeting new people! Free snacks!

WHAT: Café Lingua
WHEN: Sunday 29th of October, 6 – 10 pm
WHERE: Rantasauna
What does it cost: Nothing!

Next Café Linguas: 27.11. and 21.12.
