Mosaic’s Running Dinner

13.4.2015 19:00—23:59

Mosaic’s Running Dinner

Running Dinner is a concept of cooking, meeting people and partying in the end. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a three-course meal while meeting 12 new people during one evening, only for a price of the meal you cook. In teams of two, participants prepare one dish, either an appetizer, main dish or dessert, and enjoy the rest of the dinner at two different places. There is no admission fee, but every team should aim to spend approximately 16 € on their course, drinks not included.

Here’s a rundown of a typical Running Dinner:

  1. Sign up your team.
  2. Wait for a confirmation email: you will receive instructions on which course you’re going to prepare (let’s say dessert). It is advisable to prepare your dish as much as possible beforehand. You will also receive the addresses of the teams serving the appetizers and main course and the schedule for the evening.
  3. Start the evening by going to the first address with your teammate, where you will meet two other teams.
  4. After chatting and eating, say farewell and move to the address given for the main course. After eating and chatting with these four new strangers, go to your place, welcome two new teams and serve the desserts.
  5. After the dessert, join the afterparty at Otakaari 20 and meet up with your new friends and share stories of your adventure.

If you need to cancel your participation please do it as soon as possible. If you find yourself without a host, there will be a lounge at Otakaari 20 offering delicious dishes made by Mosaic. For easy transition all the event is limited to Otaniemi and its immediate surroundings (the 02150 postal code area).

  • WHAT: Mosaic’s Running Dinner
  • WHEN: Monday 13/04, 7 pm till late
  • WHERE: Dinner around Otaniemi, afterparty at Otakaari 20
  • HOW MUCH: No admission fee, 16€/team for the food
  • WHY: Enjoy a three-course dinner with 12 (guest) stars!
  • SIGN-UP:

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