No Pants Subway Ride – Helsinki

Ruoholahti metro station
31.1.2015 19:00—20:00

No Pants Subway Ride – Helsinki

Saturday the 31st of January @ 19h00 in Ruoholahti

As if Finns needed an excuse to loose their clothes and run around…

This is our very own (late version) of the annual no Pants ride in January in New York City. The idea behind No Pants is simple: Random passengers board a metro car in the middle of winter without pants. The participants behave as if they do not know each other, and they all wear winter coats, hats, scarves, and gloves. The only unusual thing is their lack of pants.

Reclaiming public spaces is nothing more than exercising our rights to use them in the first place, while our shared complicity creates an excuse to be “playful” and interact in public. We are trying to establish a sort of “Every man’s urban rights” movement.

No pants subway ride FB event >

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