25.11.2015 21:00—23:59

Prepare for the most baffling party of the year!
Organized by Freshmen, Oikosulku does not take inspiration from other parties, but instead will remain distinctive, to the level that the theme of the party itself is an enigma. So, be prepared for anything. (especially around midnight!)

The coolest and the shyest are encouraged to wear the most mysterious mask they can get their hands on!

25.11. 21:00
Be there or be ε²

3 € in advance, 5 € at the door + offical patch 2 €!
16.11 – 23.11 hrs: 12-14 (Mon-Fri)
Otaniemi 1, the main building lobby

“Oikosulku 15 is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”
– Chunston Wirchill