
Alvarin Aukio, Otaniemi
30.9.2014 14:00—17:00

30th of September at the Alvar Square will be held a carnival-like race amongst self-made cars. Design and build your own vehicle and participate in the race! Check the rules at the end of the description. Even if you don’t build your own car ,you are more than welcome to follow the races.

Check out the official website http://otatarhanajot.ayy.fi/english.html

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/700213273393975

Registration: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhanajot2014/
Registration will be closed 28.9. 23:45.

Sponsored by TEK and Vaisala.


§1 The vehicle must run by human power (such as pedals, pushing or pulling) – no motors allowed
§2 Teams will compete in the race at their own risk. Teams must attend to their safety.
§3 The number of team members or drivers is not limited.
§4 Intentionally bumping into other racers and wrecking other’s cars is prohibited.
§5 Racers must drive on track.
§6 Teams will be judged on speed, the appearance of the vehicle and the spirit of the team.


jyri.yli-villamo@ayy.fi 0405167386

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