Otatarhan ajot

Alvar Square
30.9.2015 15:00—18:00

Experience the thrill of speed and the fun of teamwork!

On September 30th the traditional Otatarhan ajot, a festival-like car racing event, is organized again! You do not want to miss this! Plan, build, challenge yourself and others, let yourself be inspired! All this is possible, and now you and your group of friends have a great chance to participate in a race car-like competition with your self-made, non-motor-powered vehicle. The best teams will be rewarded and the preparations start NOW! Points will be given to each group based on the speed, appearance and other properties of the vehicle as well as the spirit of the team.

Even if you’re not participating in the race, don’t miss the event because the whole Alvar Square is filled with buzz and fun on September 30th.

The activities besides the car racing include neppis car racing, tricycle racing, goose hunting, mini-croquet and tug of war.

Also the main sponsor of the event, Vaisala, is having a checkpoint at the event! Come and get to know Vaisala while having fun at the same time!

You can check out the atmosphere of last year’s event from the video shot by OUBS:

You can challenge people in tug of war via the following link. Participation and challenging is also possible without preliminary signup at the spot, but by challenging in advance the chellengee will be notified. https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhan-ajot-koydenveto/

Registration: https://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/otatarhanajot2015i

Registration will be closed 27.9. 23:45.

Remember also the Lakinlaskijaisparty in the evening!

Sponsored by TEK.



  • 0 There is one race open for all participants, and two qualifying rounds through which the best teams make it to the finals.
  • 1 The vehicle must run by human power (such as pedals, pushing or pulling) – no motors allowed
  • 2 Teams will compete in the race at their own risk. Teams must attend to their safety.
  • 3 The number of team members or drivers is not limited.
  • 4 Intentionally bumping into other racers and wrecking others’ vehicles is prohibited.
  • 5 Racers must drive on track.
  • 6 Teams will be judged on speed and the performance in given tasks (20 %), the appearance of the vehicle (40 %), the spirit of the team (20 %) and the technical properties of the vehicle (20 %).

All rights reserved.


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