
28.3.2013 18:00—02:00 29.3.2013

International Committee of AYY welcomes all the students of Aalto University to this springs’ International Sitsis! The traditional English speaking sitsis return with a theme that truly befits the season; Easter (pääsiäinen)!

The sitsis will take place in Smökki on Thursday the 28th of March, “kiirastorstai”, starting with cocktails at 18:00. These sitsis are also supreme for people new to sitsi culture, since there will be a quick introduction to sitsi rules at the cocktails.

Ticket sales (in the lobby in front of the M-hall):
21.3. 11:00-13:00
22.3. 11:00-13:00
25.3. 11:00-13:00

Extra ticket sales will be arranged if there are still tickets left!

In a nutshell:
What: Pääsiäissitsit (Easter Sitsis)
Where: Smökki
When: 28.3. 18:00
Costs: 15€, 12€ non-alcoholic
Dresscode: ~Cocktail with an Eastery addition

More information on the facebook event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/549905631699234/?ref=ts&fref=ts

International Committee of AYY


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