Course in darkroom basics

26.10.2015 17:30—21.00

Aalto photography association will organize a foundational course to darkroom processing during the week 44. On the course one will learn how to develop black-and-white film and to print pictures with the equipment in the photographic laboratory; the course will also provide the ability to work individually in the photo lab.

On the first day of the course (Monday, 26th Oct at 17.00) the topic will be black-and-white film processing: each one will develop their own film. On the second day (Tue 27th or Wed 28th at 17.00) each will print a picture from their newly-developed roll. You should reserve at least three hours for the activities on the both days, preferably more on the printing day.

The signup is through intra-system (, where you’ll reserve the course days and pay. The signup open as soon as possible. Participation limit is 6 for the developing session and 3 for each of printing sessions. The course fee of 10€ (members / 20€ non-members) includes the consumables in the lab, but not the film, which you’ll provide yourself. The film has to be traditional silver-based black&white-film, for example Kodak Tmax or Ilford Delta.

For inquiries and help with film/cameragear, please contact course coordinator ( Please also indicate if you are interested, but the course dates do not suit you.


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