The Christmas Concert of The Polytech Orchestra in Kauniainen

4.12.2013 19:00—21:00


The Christmas Concerts of The Polytech Orchestra on Wednesday 4th December and on Saturday 7th December

Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Carl Maria von Weber: Bassoon concerto, op. 75, Lauri Lehtimäki, bassoon
Josef Suk: Pohádka, op. 16

Finland’s oldest academic symphony orchestra, the Polytech Orchestra, invites you to the Christmas concerts at Uusi Paviljonki in Kauniainen on Wednesday 4th December at 7 pm, and at Sibelius Academy concert hall in Helsinki on Saturday 7th December at 4 pm.

The concerts begin with Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, which is by far the most famous of the set of 19 rhapsodies. Bassoon Concerto by Weber will culminate the first half of the concert, with Lauri Lehtimäki as the virtuoso soloist. Pohádka (Fairy Tale) by Suk is a beautiful love story that lets the orchestra to show its talent by interpreting ‘music from heaven’.

The concerts are conducted by Andreas Vogelsberger.

Tickets 13 / 7 euro are available from the players as well as from the orchestra web page and from the door prior to the concerts.


Polyteknikkojen Orkesteri ry

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