Autumn concerts of the Polytech Orchestra

Temppeliaukion kirkko

Lutherinkatu 3

26.11.2015 19:00—21:00

The Polytech Orchestra offers a blink of joy and light in the middle of the dark November season: the autumn concerts in will be held in Temppeliaukio church and in Uusi paviljonki on November 26-27. The program combines a beautiful vision of a day cycle of Nielsen and flashy vibes of Arutiunian’s concerto with bold and happy tones of Brahms’ 3rd symphony.

The soloist is Mari Pakarinen, who is known from Tampere Ensemble and the band Power Brass Girls. The concerts are conducted by Andreas Vogelsberger.

Nielsen: Helios Overture, op. 17
Arutiunian: Trumpet concerto
Soloist Mari Pakarinen, trumpet
Brahms: Symphony no. 3

Thursday, November 26th, 2015 at 7 pm Temppeliaukio church, Lutherinkatu 3, Helsinki Friday, November 27th, 2015 at 6 pm Uusi paviljonki, Läntinen koulupolku 3, Kauniainen

Tickets 15/7 € from and from the concert hall door.

The Polytech Orchestra, founded in 1922, is a student symphony orchestra from Espoo, Finland. The orchestra works in co-operation with Aalto University Student Union (AYY). Most of the members are students and alumni from Aalto University, but there are also students from other universities from Helsinki area.

The main yearly event of the orchestra is the spring concert series, which includes concerts in the Helsinki area and tour around other Finnish cities. The orchestra has also given concerts abroad; including Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia and Sweden. Other important annual events are the autumn concerts and the Waputin matinee on the 1st of May.

Ambitious goals and program have been the trademark of Polytech Orchestra for decades. The orchestra has also given great possibilities and rehearse for young conductors. Among many others, Jorma Panula, Atso Almila and Sakari Oramo have conducted the orchestra. The current conductor is Andreas Vogelsberger.

Polyteknikkojen Orkesteri ry
Olli Keski-Rahkonen