Promises for the future – a youth-organized presidential debate

Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun juhlasali

Runeberginkatu 14–16

17.1.2018 13:30—15:30

During the presidential election so far, there hasn’t been any discussion about the hottest topic in foreign and security policy: global warming. What promises for the future will the candidates make? How would the president discuss global warming with president Trump, or would they mention the subject at all? How would the president include teens and young adults in foreign and security policy?

The event will be attended by presidential candidates Tuula Haatainen, Pekka Haavisto, Matti Vanhanen, Paavo Väyrynen, Nils Torvalds and Merja Kyllönen.

Nuorten Agenda 2030 -ryhmä, HYY, AYY, ALL-YOUTH STN -hanke, Sitra ja Allianssi