RuDi Rock Otaniemi – Running Dinner that rocks!

Around Otaniemi
28.10.2014 18:00—22:30

Cook 1/3 of a dinner and enjoy the other parts at someone else’s place!

# Event is in Otaniemi, 28.10. 6pm-10.30pm, afterparty in Smökki 10.30pm onwards.
# Sign up in # Last day for sign-up is Saturday 25th of October!

RuDi (Running Dinner) is a concept of cooking, meeting people and partying in the end. It will give you the opportunity to enjoy a three-course meal while meeting 12 new people during one evening, only for a price of the meal you cook. In teams of two, participants cook appetizers, main dish or desserts. They will host two other teams and eat the other two courses at someone else’s place. See the road map below:

1. You sign up for the event.
2. You get a confirmation of the meal you’re going to prepare (let’s say dessert).
3. Your budget is 16e for the ingredients. You’ll prepare desserts for 6 people. Drinks are not included in the budget (but are a part of a good meal).
4. You have been given the addresses of the appetizers and the main course. You start the evening by going to the first address with your teammate, where you’ll meet two other teams (of which one is hosting).
5. After chatting and eating, you’ll say farewell and move to the address given for the main course. After eating and chatting with these four new strangers you and your teammate go to your place, welcome two new teams and serve the desserts.
6. After the dessert you have a chance to go to Smökki for an after-party and meet all your new friends once more.

Event is in Otaniemi, 28.10. 6pm-10.30pm, afterparty in Smökki 10.30pm onwards.
Sign up in before Saturday 25.10!

On Sunday 26.10 you’ll receive an email confirming the course you’ll cook and the addresses for the other two courses.

– There is no fee for the event and the after-party is free as well. However, to ensure good and equal experiences to all participants, use the whole 16e budget for the course you cook.
– If you need to cancel your participation please do it as soon as you know. This way we can prevent situations of no-host.
– There will be a lounge in Smökki during the whole event, so if something goes wrong you can go there for coffee, fatboys and sympathy.
– This is the first time the concept is realized in this form in Finland. For easy transition all the activity is limited to the 02150 area which equals Otaniemi and surroundings.
– Prepare the meal beforehand so that you can serve it quickly after your guests arrive. For example, it’s ok to have main course 30min in the oven since you still have 45min for eating.


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