Salsa courses!

30.5.2011 16:30—19:00 10.6.2011

Learn to dance salsa!! Polijazz organizes a two-week intensive course with a professional teacher, Hazel Brevett. Courses are held in Otaniemi, Espoo.

Monday 30.5. at 16.30-17.30
Friday 3.6. at 17-18
Monday 6.6. at 16.30-17.30
Friday 10.6. at 17-18

Monday 30.5. at 17.30-18.30
Friday 3.6. at 18-19
Monday 6.6. at 17.30-18.30
Friday 10.6. at 18-19
You don´t need to take a partner with you when you join the course!!

This is a great opportunity to learn the basics of salsa! Each course costs 30 e. Registration is open at:!

The course is sponsored by Teekkarikulttuurin edistämisrahasto TTER (

Sonja-Maria Ignatius 040 4164530

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