Sitsi competition

Alvarin aukio


27.4.2013 14:00—18:00

On May Day week’s Saturday, 27 Apr, the sitsi contest fills the Alvari Square! In this traditional celebration, you have the freedom to let your imagination run wild and execute your wildest fantasies. Will your team have the best idea, atmosphere and implementation this May Day? Who will raise the concept of sitsit to a new dimension? To harness the unlimited potential of your academic feast, please proceed as follows:

  1. Gather a group of enthusiastic participants
  2. Create a marvelous feast with a theme, setting and catering
  3. Register your team for the competition by Wednesday, 24 Apr, 11.59pm here.
  4. Implementation at Alvari Square on Satuday, 27 Apr, from 2pm onwards!

A prestigious jury will elect both the winners and teams that receive an honorable mention. The awards ceremony will take place in the declaration of May Day celebrations on 30 Apr.

Please remember – the most important part of this contest is a good atmosphere and that Alvari is left tidy.

Teekkarijaosto / Saila Nojonen