Sporting day with the students from Tongji University

13.5.2011 13:30—16:30

Around 80 students from Tongji University, Shanghai, are visiting Aalto from 10.5 to 19.5. During their visit here, they will for example see the campuses (11.5 School of Economics and School of Art, 12.5 Technological schools), visit companies, get to know Finnish nature and culture, and participate in Master of Arts. Some of the events they have are open for all students! This is one of them.

On Friday the 13th of May, they wil…l have different kinds of sports in Alvarin Aukio, Otaniemi. There will be for example “pussijuoksu”, “saappaanheitto”, twister, basketball, football, ultimate. And also some chinese specialities 🙂

This sporting event will happen from 13.30 to 16.30 on Friday. We hope that a lot of Finnish people or people who study in Finland would join this event. It is open for everyone and the aim of this event is to introduce Finnish students/people to the Chinese students.

Please come to Alvarin aukio 13.5 at 13.30 to participate in the games. Just wear some sportive clothes and bring youself and your friends 🙂


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