Spring Concert in Dipoli

13.4.2019 16:00—18:00

Welcome to celebrate the spring with a spring concert of the Polytech Orchestra!

The opening work In the Steppes of Central Asia by Borodin brings warm winds from the mystic grasslands. The symphonic poem Water Goblin by Dvořák, based on a Slavic poem, has more vivid and dramatic tones. The climax of the concert is Beethoven’s 7th Symphony. The joyful dance-like rhythms of the symphony resemble a praise to the arrival of spring. The orchestra is conducted by James Kahane.

Alexander Borodin: In the Steppes of Central Asia
Antonín Dvořák: The Water Goblin
Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 7
Conducted by James Kahane

Tickets bought in advance:
8 / 12 / 15 / 25€
(student / pensioner / standard / benefactor ticket)
Discount for groups of at least 10 people -20%
Ticket shop available at polyteknikkojenorkesteri.fi/en

Tickets sold at the door:
10 / 15 / 18 / 25€
(student / pensioner / standard / benefactor ticket)

The programme leaflet is included in the ticket price.

Polyteknikkojen Orkesteri
