Star Wars -movie marathon

15.11.2015 13:00

A long time ago, in a Niemi far, far away…

It is a period of movie marathon.
The joys of student life, striking
from the knowing hands of AYY volunteers
have once again won
a victory against the sensible Studying.

The volunteers have managed to steal
a day from the most important
component of Studying, TIME
a resource the lack of which has a power
to destroy an entire degree.

Pursued by Studying’s
sinister agents, Deadlines
Students race to Smökki to watch movies
that most people have seen at least a hundred times
and some know by heart…

Welcome to an epic Star Wars –movie marathon at Smökki on 15th of November! Tune yourself to the feel of the new movie in an awesome company! The movies and their order will be decided by voting.

WHAT: Star Wars –movie marathon
Where: At Servin Mökki (Jämeräntaival 4)
WHEN: 15.11. at 1pm
HOW MUCH: Nothing!
WHY: Why are you even asking this question?

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