Startup Sauna BBQ w/ Alf Rehn: Motivate yourself!

Aalto Venture Garage

Betonimiehenkuja 3D

11.5.2011 17:00—20:00

It’s time to kick-off the BBQ season for the year!

Join us for the first session hosted by one of the leading business thinkers of today, Alf Rehn.

Alf is a well-regarded academic and his approach to management and business is highly creative and takes turns taken-for-granted notions on their head. Rather than presenting the same buzzword everyone else does, he challenges our thinking by arguing for things like frivolity seriously, that real innovation has become boring, that brands are uninteresting and that real business wisdom can be found in the comic books.

Currently Alf holds a chair of management and organization at Åbo Akademi University in Finland, a professorship of innovation and entrepeneurship at the Royal Insitute of Technology in Sweden, and is recognized as one of Europe’s top young management scholars.

BBQ and networking afterwards.

Aalto Entrepreneurship Society

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