
27.4.2018 21:00—03:00

I N T R O D U C I N G ~~~~ T A I K A U S K O

“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now…” -John Lennon

As our community shyly gets ready for the joyful days of Wappu, the international trio of BEST Helsinki, ESN Aalto and AYY’s Mosaic are teaming up with the electronic music association Entropy to release a gigantic blast of sound from the underground, overwhelming the whole campus with a hypnotic wave of music emanating from our beloved Smökki!

Entropy will be pleasing your ears with its finest sound system (#BassIsLife, #BassIsLove) and its DJs, who will play to you tracks of House, Techno and Drum and Bass through the whole night! Get ready to board the dream boat for a cool sound odyssey!

The complete lineup will be announced closer to the event, so stay tuned…

So let’s make our dreams (…and nightmares) manifest in the here and now and come on down to Smökki on 27th April. Come in your surreal costume, step into the realm of dreams and let loose your dancing feet. The best costume will be rewarded with an amazing prize and everyone will be rewarded with amazing feels!

Ticket sales:

From 9.4 11am-1pm in Otakaari 1

#WHAT: Taikausko
#WHEN: 27.4 9.00pm on
#WHERE: Smökki
#PRICE: 5€
#WHY: Amazing electronic alternative to tune you to the perfect Wappu vibe

For more information on our organising societies follow:
BEST Helsinki: https://www.facebook.com/BESTHelsinki/
ESN Aalto: https://www.facebook.com/EsnAaltoOfficial/
MOSAIC: https://www.facebook.com/AYYMosaic/
Entropy: https://www.facebook.com/groups/entropy.fi/about/

ESN Aalto, BEST Helsinki, Mosaic, Entropy
Janne Toosi, Laura McLeod, Muhammed Junaid, Nicolas Guinoiseau
contact@esnaalto.org, best-h@list.ayy.fi, mosaic@list.ayy.fi, hallitus@entropy.fi