Teekkarispeksi’s dance courses

Monitoimitila, Otaniemi

Jämeräntaival 3A

14.9.2011 12:00 16.11.2011

Teekkarispeksi organizes dance courses for anyone interested in dance! The style is mainly show jazz oriented, but each class is unique thanks to our various dance teachers. The atmosphere is very relaxed – we’re all here to have fun and learn!

There are three different levels for the courses. They will be held on Wednesday evenings in Otaniemi, in the Monitoimitila of Jämeräntaival 3A. The courses begin on September 21st and will continue for nine weeks. English speaking dancers are very welcome to join, after all dance is an international language!

The price of one course is 15 euros for members of Teekkarispeksi ry and 20 euros for other participants. The dancers for the full-length production of Teekkarispeksi for spring 2012 will be chosen on the basis of the dance courses and a small casting at the end of the courses, but courses can be attended only for the autumn just as well.

The enrollment for the courses will take place in the lobby of the TKK main building on Wednesday 14th of September at 12 p.m. and at the same time on the website of Teekkarispeksi, www.teekkarispeksi.fi.

The courses will be held on Wednesdays as follows:

Beginners course 17:15-18:30 (No previous dancing experience is required)
Intermediate course 18:30-19:45 (1-5 years of dance experience is required, it is assumed that participants know some basic techniques)
Advanced 19:45-21:15 (several years of intense training is required, the routines are quite demanding)

For more information, check out our website or contact Nora Wind: nora.wind at teekkarispeksi.fi

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