The Opening of the Academic Year at Aalto University

Otaniemi campus
4.9.2012 13:00—23:00

The Opening of the Academic Year at Aalto University,
Tuesday September 4, 2012, at 1 pm

The festive opening ceremony of the 2012–2013 academic year at Aalto University will take place in the Otaniemi Campus area (Otakaari 1, Espoo) on September 4, 2012, at 1 pm. The ceremony will be open to invited guests, including all the members of the Aalto University (both staff and students) in order of registration. Ceremony lounges will also be arranged for live viewing on each university campuses. These viewing are especially interesting for the first year students, whom maybe missed the official registration time. The ceremony can be followed on the university website as well by.

After the official ceremony there will be the less formal Aalto Party in Otaniemi (Aino’s Square, Otaniementie 11) at 4–9 pm for all the members of the university. A free bus transportation to the Aalto Party will be arranged from the Arabia and Töölö campuses, Helsinki.

The electric invitation and registration for the attendance of the official ceremony will open on the university websites (Inside and Into) in the week 32, and the registration will be closed on the 27th of August. Registration for the Aalto Party will also be announced via Inside and Into. The dress code for the ceremony is dark suit with primary colours, and for the Aalto Party there is no dress code.

Further information online:

Aalto University