UMO & KYN: Longing

Tapiolan kirkko

Kirkkopolku 6

2.11.2018 18:00—19:15

UMO, the big band pride of Finland, and KYN who ranks sixth in the list of the best female choirs of the world continue their collaboration with two concerts in the week of All Saints’ Day. Last time these two met something completely new came into being.

”I thought choir-singing and jazz are like fire and water but I was wrong: hearing the female choir KYN and big band UMO live together changed my mind. The most intriguing thing about the concert was how the choir of 50 women made the 16-piece male big band sound somehow different. It was like there were two choirs singing side by side and commenting on each other.” Helsingin Sanomat, Jazzkeittiö blog April 18, 2017, Katri Kallionpää

UMO and KYN have compiled a new programme for the special atmosphere of All Saints’ Day including music from the likes of Anna-Mari Kähärä and Kaj Chydenius. The new arrangements written by Mikko Hassinen of pieces like “Aamulla varhain” and “Sinua, sinua rakastan” tune us in for memories, remembrance and longing.

UMO Jazz Orchestra is a professional big band specialised in new jazz and jazz-related music. The 16-piece orchestra plays some 100 concerts every year all around the country. Their repertory ranges from jazz to soul and classical music, mixing old and new in an unusual and surprising way.

KYN is an ambitious reformer of choir music. Finnish leading newspaper Helsingin Sanomat has accoladed KYN as one of the brightest stars in the Finnish choir sky and a trailblazer of jazz music. Some recent feathers KYN has collected in its in their cap include winning a Grand Prix prize and a special award for Outstanding Stage Performance in Berlin, and being selected as Choir of the Year. In March 2018, KYN released its ninth album, Outo kantele (Strange Kantele).

UMO is conducted by Kirmo Lintinen, KYN by Kaija Viitasalo.

Duration of the concert: ca. 75 minutes (no intermission)
Age limit: none

Two performances:
Thu Nov 1st, 2018 at 6 pm Mikael Agricola Church (see Facebook event here)
Fri Nov 2nd, 2018 at 6 pm Tapiola Church (see Facebook here)

Tickets from Tiketti including a service fee and at the door if still available

25 € basic ticket

20 € pensioner, groups (min 10 pax)

15 € student, conscript, unemployed, child (4-15 v.)

Warmly welcome!

Naiskuoro KYN