Polijazz Dance Lessons Spring 2014!

27.1.2014 17:30—20:00 10.5.2014

Polijazz´s weekly dance classes start on 27 Jan 2014!

Breakdance / Viktor Bäck (in English)
Mondays: beginners at 17.30 – 18.45, advanced at 18.45 – 20

Modern dance / Sini Heinonen
Thursdays: beginners at 16.30-17.45, advanced at 17.45 – 19

Showjazz / Tineka Blake (in English)
Thursdays: at 19 – 20.15

Street / Tineka Blake (in English)
Thursdays: at 20.15 – 21.30

Register at http://polijazz.ayy.fi/. Welcome to join us anytime during the season! The lessons will be held in Otaniemi, Jämeräntaival 3A (ground floor studio).

Try one lesson for free!
1 weekly class 40 euros (for the whole spring season)
2 weekly classes 55 euros
3 weekly classes 70 euros
4 weekly classes 85 euros
Note: Intensive courses are priced separately from the weekly classes. (Coming in February Oriental dance and Creative dance.)

More info:
Website: http://polijazz.ayy.fi/
Facebook-group: Polijazz Ry https://www.facebook.com/groups/6361325263/

Polijazz is a dance club under Aalto University Student Union. We organize weekly dance classes and intensive courses in Otaniemi with affordable prices. Register at http://polijazz.ayy.fi/ and try one lesson for free!

Welcome to join us anytime during the season!

Polijazz ry
