Wellbeing night part 1 – get to know the nature in Otaniemi!

15.9.2015 17:00—22:00

Get to know the nature!

Feeling stressed? Need to exercise? Come and find out ways to be energized by nature. Navigate and explore your surroundings and your mind. Find out how nature empowers you and discover nature navigation as a key to mindfulness .
FSHS, Unisport, AYY, Teekkarisuunnistajat, Aalto study psychologists and Metsähallitus are providing two wellbeing nights for students who seek to take care of their body and mind.

First wellbeing night will be organized on Tuesday 15th of September at 17.00. at AYY’s Rantasauna . We start by a lesson on how the nature is healing us in everyday life held by an expert of Metsähallitus. After the lesson you have the opportunity to try orienteering in the nature of Otaniemi organized by Teekkarisuunnistajat. At the end of the night you can relax in the sauna.

Please sign up for the nature night via this form by Sun 13 Sept:


Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta AYY