BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) is a student-driven organization with 94 LBGs (Local BEST Groups) present in 32 countries. Through our collaborative universities we reach over 1,000,000 students all around the continent.
BEST is a voluntary, non-political and non-representative organization, which aims to empower diversity through courses, engineering competitions and leisure events on both local and international level creating international awareness and mindset.
Website of the organization:
The board for the year 2018:
- President: Aki Malinen
- Secretary: Rosa-Maria Alaraasakka
- Public Relations Resp: Ilkka Manninen
- Treasurer: Sampsa Lehtiniemi
- Corporate Relations Resp: Ville Alasalmi
- Communications officer: Yashashvi Ranawat
- IT Responsible: Matias Pokkinen
- HR Responsible: Nithesh Nadarajah
- Social Media Responsible: Ella Asikainen
- Clubroom Responsible: Emma Vahtera