AYY Newsletter 1/2011

Here comes the first newsletter of the year. Happy New Year 2011 to everyone!

  1. This week’s events
  2. AYY Board 2011 began its operations
  3. Looking for the Teachers of the Year!
  4. Oral health care services of the FSHS Otaniemi moved to Töölö
  5. The FSHS introduces email invoicing from the beginning of 2011
  6. UniSport moves Aalto University and the University of Helsinki
  7. Affordable downhill skiing for Aalto members in January
  8. Aalto sustainable campus and World Design Capital
  9. Research on a learning environment
  10. Sodexo provides an opportunity to participate in a pilot project selling home food to take away

1. This week’s events

– 20 Jan, 9am-11am, Training for summer job search for first-year students. Further information and registration on UraWeb.

– 20 Jan, 10am-3pm, Taitavasti kesätöihin (skillfully towards a summer job) event in the main building of Otaniemi Campus  /blog/events/taitavasti-kesatoihin/

– 23 Jan, 12noon-2pm, The Polytechnic Museum is open for the first Sunday this spring in the pop-up space on the ground floor of Otaniemi shopping centre /blog/events/polyteekkarimuseon-kevaan-ensimmainen-sunnuntaipaivystys/

2.  AYY Board 2011 began its operations

AYY Board 2011 was organised. The Board distributed the sphere of responsibilities as follows:

Saara Hyrkkö Chairperson
Voitto Kangas Aalto community, culture
Antti Karkola academic affairs, study affairs and national interest representation
Kalle-Heikki Koskinen housing and services
Arjo Laukia academic affairs, Aalto University
Henna Mattila communications and organisational affairs
Teemu Peltokallio international affairs and sports
Ville Poikolainen Vice Chairperson
Mikko Saastamoinen business relations and interest groups
Salla Seppälä social policy

3. Looking for the Teachers of the Year!

In 2011, Aalto University will pay particular attention to teaching. The Aalto University Student Union wishes to support this goal by creating a tradition in which students pay homage to distinguished teachers in the various schools of Aalto. The Teacher of the Year prize will be awarded to the best teachers in each school in the first anniversary celebration of the Aalto University Student Union on 5 February 2011.

The Aalto University Student Union will choose the Teachers of the Year based on the students’ nominations. When selecting the winners, we take the following criteria into consideration:

  • contents of teaching
  • taking students into consideration
  • the suitability of methods and material used in teaching
  • student guidance, also outside teaching sessions
  • informing about teaching
  • innovativeness in teaching

In addition to this criteria, we may consider other reasons included in the nominations, in the spirit of the purpose of this prize. So go to the address vuodenopettaja.ayy.fi and do your share on the development of teaching at Aalto!

4. Oral health services of the FSHS Otaniemi moved to Töölö

The oral health services of the Otaniemi health centre of Finnish Student Health Service have moved to Töölö health centre on 3 Jan 2011. The new address is Töölönkatu 37 A.

5. The FSHS introduces email invoicing from the beginning of 2011

The FSHS is renewing the patient information system and will no longer accept cash payments of fees in 2011. This means that all customers will be invoiced by email from the beginning of 2011.

Customer invoices will be in the PDF format and sent to the email address in the FSHS patient information system. Payments must be made within 14 days from the invoice date. A reminder of any overdue payments will be sent to the customer’s postal address and add a late payment reminder fee of €5. Please note that an invoice is also sent for any no-show appointments that are not cancelled in time, just like the practice so far.

Your invoice will be posted in a letter if the FSHS does not have your email address or if the email message bounces back with an error message.

Further information: http://www.fshs.fi/netcomm/default.asp?strLAN=EN

6. UniSport moves Aalto University and the University of Helsinki

Since the year 2010, the Sports Services of the University of Helsinki were provided for the students of Aalto University, in addition to Aalto University’s own sports services. In the autumn of 2010, Aalto University and the University of Helsinki decided to establish a joint special unit which will provide versatile sports services with the same principles to the students and the personnel of both universities from September 2011 onwards.

The unit will be called UniSport. Its services are located on the Centre Campus, Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki Campuses of the University of Helsinki and the sports centres of Töölö and Otaniemi of Aalto University. The University of Helsinki will act as the home university and the employer university for the personnel.

During the transition period in the spring of 2010, Aalto’s own services (http://liikuntavuorot.ayy.fi in Finnish) and the selection of the sports services of the University of Helsinki on four campuses are still available for Aalto students with the former conditions (http://yliopistoliikunta.helsinki.fi; a one-year card costs 85 euro, for example).

7. Affordable downhill skiing for Aalto members in January

A one-day ticket costs 9 euro for Aalto students and the rental equipment costs 9 euro in Tornikeskus skiing centre (www.tornikeskus.fi). Tornikeskus is the highest and the longest hill within 30 kilometres from Helsinki including a couple of challenging and fast slopes, a big street, long and gradual slopes and a completely new mat lift for beginners. The discount is valid with a student card until the end of January 2011. The discount is offered to you by RunToShop (www.runtoshop.fi), the partner in cooperation of Tornikeskus.

8. Aalto sustainable campus and World Design Capital

Let’s make our campus sustainable, accessible and pleasant for everyone!

As part of Aalto’s implementation programme of sustainable development and Aalto World Design Capital 2012 we are looking for project suggestions with the eco campus&design theme. We encourage all projects and trainings related to improving the campus to participate. Your project implements global responsibility and the topic can be related to mobility, eco-efficiency, recycling, purchases, food, buildings or any other theme you consider good. An individual member or a unit within Aalto may present nominations.

See the instructions and the form at http://www.wdc2012helsinki.fi/en/programme/instructions and send the form to Aalto WDC Project Manager Kaisa.Kivela@aalto.fi and Meri.Loyttyniemi@aalto.fi. Nominations will be collected into the Aalto WDC application during January 2011.

9. Research on a learning environment

Which factors have effect on your study motivation? How satisfied are you with your current study conditions and the learning environment?

AYY is taking part in the research which clarifies the views of university and polytechnic students about this issue. You can access the survey through the link below. It takes approximately ten minutes to respond to the survey. The results of the research will be brought to the attention of the decision-makers in universities and polytechnics.

By responding to this survey, you can have effect on your own study environment. Thank you for your valuable contribution. The practical implementation of the research is conducted by TNS Gallup Oy. For further information, please contact the Unit Manager Sakari Nurmela, sakari.nurmela@tns-gallup.fi, tel. 09-613 50 587.

The link to the survey: www.gallupnet.fi/opiskeluolosuhteet (in Finnish)

10. Sodexo provides an opportunity to participate in a pilot project selling home food to take away

Make your everyday life easier and participate in Sodexo’s email/mobile pilot project where you can pre-order home food for you and your family once a week. You can receive information via a text message or email about available food which changes weekly. The offer message is sent to you two weekdays prior to the day you can pick up the meal.

You can order food according to the instructions via a text message or email. The receiving of messages is free of charge. You can conveniently pick up the ordered food from your own Sodexo restaurant and you pay for the food when collecting it.

Further information and instructions on how to register for the pilot project are available at the address  http://www.sodexo.fi/fi-FI/kotiruoka/ (in Finnish)

The link of the week:

AYY’s first anniversary is here soon! Read more about the party and sign up at http://aava.ayy.fi/

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