Newsletter 2/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 2/2011

AYY takes part in Contact Forum fair on 27 Jan

  1. This week’s events
  2. Join the OUBS editorial council
  3. Aino asks about work
  4. SELL 2011 Games on 12–15 May
  5. Think up a name for the student website and win a dinner!
  6. Aalto-1 nanosatellite project needs more participants
  7. “No limits” – a multidisciplinary research gathering
  8. FSHS has published its new website
  9. Free food for students
  10. Participants to the National Business Management competition (team sponsored by UPM-Kymmene)
  11. Volunteer work in Asia, Africa and Latin America

1.  This week’s events

– 25 Jan, Winter day for freshmen in Otaniemi /blog/events/talvipaiva-fukseille/

-26 Jan, 10am-2pm, the CV clinic for students of the School of Economics. Further information on UraWeb.

– 26 Jan, 5pm-6pm the singing tests of Polytech Choir in TUAS building (Otaniementie 17) /blog/events/polyteknikkojen-kuoron-koelaulut/

– 27 Jan, 9am-5pm, Contact Forum recruiting fair for students in Kaapelitehdas. /blog/events/contact-forum-rekrytointimessut-opiskelijoille/

– 28 Jan, the national culture day  /blog/events/kansallinen-kulttuurikuntopaiva/

– 28 Jan, Metal Club Mökä’s introduction night in Rantasauna in Otaniemi /blog/events/metal-club-mokan-saunailta/

– 28 Jan, 10pm-4am, Hämäläis-Osakunta, the opening of the gangster period

2. Join the OUBS editorial council

Would you like to develop and follow the operations of a real television channel? OUBS is AYY’s own television channel which operates online and in the cable network of Otaniemi Teekkari Village. OUBS produces current programmes about student union events and student politics, entertainment and records the meetings of the AYY Representative Council, for example. We are now looking for the editorial council for OUBS for the year 2011, which develops the operations of the channel, supervises the implementation of the channel’s policies and supports the editorial office in its work. We are looking for student members who represent the target group and professionals in the audiovisual field. The editorial council convenes approximately once a month.

Please let us know if you are interested by sending a brief application by email to the chairperson of the editorial council 2010 Maria Viitanen (, 050 303 7608) by Monday, 31 January. She will also provide more information on the operations of the editorial council in the previous years.

3. Aino asks about work

in February, Aino discusses work affairs. Participate in the making of the magazine and respond to the work-related survey by 28 Jan! We will raffle Finnkino tickets among the participants, which you can use to take your best friend to a cinema on Valentine’s Day, for example.

The survey:

4. SELL 2011 Games 12–15 May

The 27th SELL Games will be organised in Kaunas, Lithuania, on 12–15 May 2011.

SELL Games are international student athlete games where approx. 1,700 athletes from 15 different countries participate. The games are organised in turn in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Games in 2012 are granted for Aalto University and that is why we want to be visible already in the games this year. Aalto University’s Sports Club is in charge of the game arrangements.

A full-time university student can sign up for the games. A person who has already graduated may participate within one year of the graduation. In the games, you represent the university where you have registered for the attendance. Only one team/delegation from the university can participate in the games.

In SELL 2011 Games, you can compete in the following sports: basketball, athletics, orienteering, mini-football, table tennis, swimming, weightlifting, judo, volleyball and wrestling. The detailed information and instructions for the various sports are available on the website of the games at

Further information: and

Preparatory registrations:

5. Think up a name for the student website and win a dinner!

A joint website for Aalto University students will be launched during the spring 2011. The new site will mostly contain study-related content, such as instructions for registration, graduation and student exchanges as well as news about studying and Aalto University. Think up a catchy name for this new website!

Send your entry to the following address:

The competition is open until 23.59 on 1.2.2011.

The competition is open to all members of the Aalto community and anyone who has an interest in Aalto. The winner will receive a restaurant gift certificate for EUR 100. The winning name will be selected by a distinguished jury consisting of Vice President Martti Raevaara, Communications Director Tapio Hedman and student Oula Antere. The names of all participants will also be entered in a draw for five Aalto mugs.

The following factors will be taken into consideration when evaluating each name:
– its suitability for a multicultural and multilanguage environment
– its suitability as an internet address (URL)
– the catchiness of the name

6. Aalto-1 nanosatellite project needs more participants!

Do you want to make history? Now you have a unique opportunity to participate in the development project of the first Finnish satellite! Aalto-1 is a student satellite project coordinated by Aalto University Department of Radio Science and Engineering. The satellite is built and designed mainly by students in their thesis and projects. Right now, we need more participants for the project to design the structure of the satellite, the earth station, quality assurance and other fields. By participating in the project, you can have 5 credits from the course S-92.3192 Special Assignment in Space Technology, for example. You are welcome to join the project!

Further information on the website of the project: and from Jaan Praks:

7. “No limits” – a multidisciplinary research gathering

The Aalto University mission requires the university to promote sustainable development. The need for multidisciplinary approach is evident when addressing the global challenges. Come and meet your Aalto colleagues and fellow researchers! Let´s discuss and see what kind of new alliances can be built around sustainability and responsibility research in our university. An outside view is offered by our honoured guest, Prof. Carlo Vezzoli from Politecnico di Milano. The afternoon is hosted by Prof. Tapio Luttinen, Aalto School of Engineering and later on by researchers Tatu Marttila and Nani Pajunen.

Date: Thursday, 3 February, 12.30pm-6pm

Place: Aalto Venture Garage (Stage) in Otaniemi. Address: Betonimiehenkuja 3, Espoo.

Please register by 28 Jan:

8. FSHS has published its new website

The Finnish Student Health Service has renewed its website. The new site can be found on the address

The new website has been created with students’ best interests in mind: the aim is to help you find precisely the health information that you are looking for. You can give feedback through the “Give us feedback” form on the front page.

9. Free food for students

Veikko and Lahja Hursti’s Charitable Association gives food and clothes for free for students the last Tuesday of every month. This spring the days are 25.1., 22.2., 29.3., 26.4. and 31.5. Food and clothes are available in Helsinginkatu 19, Sörnäinen, Helsinki at 5pm-6.30pm. Please take your bag and student card with you!

10. Participants to the National Business Management competition (team sponsored by UPM-Kymmene)

We are seeking for students with knowledge in finance, marketing, chemical pulp or paper industry for a team sponsored by UPM-Kymmene to enter into the National Business Management competition. The winners of the competition will take part in a week long Berkeley Executive Leadership program held in Berkeley University California in 2012.

The competition is held in English so fluency in language is compulsory. The competition is executed by Talent Adventure in co-operation with Kauppalehti, Microsoft, Pretax, Talent Partners and Service for the Sean. The first round of the competition will start on the 7th of March and continues on until the end of year 2011.The task round will take about 2–4 hours of the participant’s time. The time frame is dependent on the teams working methods.

The applications should be sent by the 28th of January 2011 to
In the first round 10 to 15 students will be chosen for interviews conducted by UPM-Kymmene. During the final round UPM-Kymmene will choose a team of four to five students.

You can find more information of the competition at

11. Volunteer work in Asia, Africa and Latin America

The application period for the programmes beginning in August 2011 will end on 1 Feb

Maailmanvaihto (ICYE Finland) sends young adults for voluntary work on all continents. Next August, you can try out the challenges of a foreign culture in Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Columbia, Mexico, India, Nepal, Ghana, Kenia, Nigeria and Taiwan. You can volunteer for six months or for one year. The application period is ongoing and it will end on 1 Feb 2011.

Volunteers mainly work with children in orphanages, schools, the centres for the children living on the street or nurseries. In most countries, you may work in the day care centres for the disbaled or the elderly. Volunteers live either with host families or in connection with their work place. The cooperative organisations in the country of destination will support and assist volunteers.

The volunteers themselves pay the programme fee. The participation fee (4300e/ 12months) includes full board, trainings, visas, insurances, the support of the organisation. Maailmanvaihto will grant small scholarships for the programme participants.

Further information and application forms:,

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