AYY Newsletter 3/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 3/2011

It is already the 1st birthday of the little AYY! Celebrations take place throughout the week.

  1. This week’s events
  2. AYY is looking for a specialist covering maternity leave
  3. AYY is looking for a person undergoing non-military service for the vacancy of a maintenance assistant
  4. Aaltoilua is looking for drama material
  5. Apply for AYY’s ”Group X of Communications”
  6. AYY’s van in recycling use on 2 Feb
  7. Exceptions to the opening hours in AYY service points on 7 and 9 February
  8. Otetta opiskeluun workshop
  9. Participate in Aalto’s World Design Capital 2012 project  –  the application period open until 11 Feb
  10. Open Call: ‘Youth for Change’ is looking for workshop facilitators
  11. Linja idea competition

1. This week’s events

– 1 Feb, 4pm, the future of TaiK discussion at Design Museum (Korkeavuorenkatu 23) /blog/events/taikin-tulevaisuus-keskustelutilaisuus/

– 1 Feb, 6pm, information night of Teekkari sailors at Ossin Linna (Otakaari 18) /blog/events/teekkaripurjehtijoiden-infoilta/

– 2 Feb, 10pm-4am, Club Lagoon: crossdisciplinary beach party@ Herkku (Simonkatu) /blog/events/club-lagoon-2/

-3 Feb, Open Service Innovation workshop http://www.servicefactory.aalto.fi/fi/events/research-workshop-managing-hybrid-models-3-4-2-2011

– 3 Feb, 2pm-4pm, Job Hunting in Finland training for School of Economics students /blog/events/job-hunting-in-finland-training-for-school-of-economics-students/

– 3 Feb, 6pm, Baccus Variety Tasting in the main section of KY Building (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21) /blog/events/variety-tasting/

– 4 Feb, 12.30pm onwards,  Aalto Avalanche 2011 at Alvari Square /blog/events/aalto-avalanche-2011-2/

– 5 Feb, from 6pm onwards, AYY 1st birthday. Celebration begins at Sea Life in Linnanmäki   /blog/events/ayy-1v/

– 6 Feb, 12noon onwards, AYY birthday brunch at the vaulted basement of Agroksenmäki  /blog/events/ayy-1v/

– 6 Feb, 4pm, Kårspexet: Gustav III at Gloria (Pieni Robertinkatu 12) /sv/blog/events/karspexet-gustav-iii/

2. AYY is looking for a specialist covering maternity leave

AYY is looking for a specialist covering maternity leave with a fixed term contract beginning on 15 Feb 2011 or as agreed on.

The employee will work for Aalto University Student Union as the specialist in interest representation in the School of Art and Design. The duties of the specialist will include university-specific interest representation in the Aalto University School of Art and Design and the supporting of the volunteers in interest representation. In addition, the specialist will operate as an employee of AYY’s service point attending to AYY’s services in the School of Art and Design. The person will also work as the executive director for the Student Association of the School of Art and Design TOKYO Association if the association so desires. TOKYO’s executive director will be in charge of the planning and coordination of the finances and administration of the association. In addition, the executive director will keep in contact with the partners in cooperation and interest groups.

Free-form applications with résumés can be submitted to AYY’s Secretary General Teemu Halme to the address teemu.halme(at)ayy.fi no later than 3pm on 4 Feb 2011.  You will receive a confirmation stating that we received your application

Read the complete call for applications: /en/blog/2011/01/31/ayy-is-looking-for-a-specialist-covering-maternity-leave/

3. AYY is looking for a person undergoing non-military service for the vacancy of a maintenance assistant

The maintenance assistant is responsible for the maintenance and development of the student union’s organisational premises and housing together with the organisational and housing sectors and the contractor. The work period will begin as soon as possible or by arrangement.

The closing date for applications is 21 Feb 2011. Free-form applications can be submitted to Lotta funck by email at lotta.funck@ayy.fi. Please write ”maintenance assistant” in the subject field.

Read the complete call for applications: /blog/2011/01/28/ayy-hakee-siviilipalvelusmiesta-kiinteistoapulaisen-tehtaviin/

4. Aaltoilua is looking for drama material

During the spring, OUBS will produce a drama series called Aaltoilua with six episodes about the life of the students at Aalto University. The series will cover the feelings caused by the merger of three schools through drama and humour. Three students from different schools are on a collision course when they end up living in the same apartment. And what will come of that…?

Please tell us your thoughts concerning the feelings and questions caused by the merger of our schools. Do you have any funny stories about living in a shared apartment? We would like to receive various stories and perspectives on this topic. Please send email to the address oubs@oubs.fi.

If you have experience in acting/filming/script writing, or if you are just particularly interested in tv production, you can take part in this project! In addition to our enthusiastic team, we can still have more people involved in this project. You can get in touch with us at oubs@oubs.fi.

5. Apply for AYY’s ”Group X of Communications”

A new volunteer group of communications will begin in AYY. The group is currently referred to as ”the Group X of Communications”. We are still looking for a few members for the group and hope that you will seriously consider joining or at least spread this happy message of communications.

We are looking for Aalto members, who are interested in communications, for the Group X. In the group, you can concentrate on photography, layout, image editing, the writing of articles, websites and/or something completely different relating to communications, depending on your own interests.

If you became interested contact Henna Mattila (henna.mattila@ayy.fi) no later than 13 February.

6. AYY’s van in recycling use on 2 Feb

The AYY van will be available for furniture transports from/to the recycling center on wed 2.2. Reserve your slot by email from kierratyskeskus(at)list.ayy.fi, you can also see the available times from out google calendar. Please also notify us if you know of extra items lying around in hallways or storage rooms!

On Thursday 3.2. a recycling sauna will be organized at Jämeräntaival 3 A roof sauna. All people interested in recycling are welcome!


7. Exceptions to the opening hours in AYY service points on 7 and 9 February

Due to the training of the staff, AYY’s service points will be closed in the morning on Monday, 7 February, and Wednesday, 9 February.

The service points will be open on those days as follows:

Arabianranta  12.30-14

School of Economics 12.30-14

Otaniemi  12-16

8. Otetta opiskeluun workshop

In the spring of 2011, Otetta opiskeluun (”get a grip on your studies”) workshop will be arranged for the basic degree students of Aalto University. The group is intended for students who are struggling with their studies; they might find it difficult to start study projects or run out of energy to finish assignments, for example. This workshop covers the setting of goals, time management and the ways to support coping and well-being.

If necessary, we may also cover issues related to learning techniques (reading, writing, maths, etc.) Work methods include group discussions and group exercises. The workshop is led by Study Psychologist Minna Nevala and Study Psychology Intern Katja Junttila. The workshop is organised in Finnish. You can sign up until 7 Feb.

Further information and the registration instructions: http://opetuki2.tkk.fi/p/opintopsykologi/_1ajankohtaista/_1Ajankohtaista.fi.php

9. Participate in Aalto’s World Design Capital 2012 project – the application period open until 11 Feb

We are still processing Aalto University’s World Design Capital projects. We have received plenty of suggestions but you can still participate. Project applications can be submitted until 11 Feb.

The three themes of the year are Open City – better life conditions for the inhabitants, Global Responsibility – the new role of design and Embedded Design.

Do you have a suitable project for the WDC programme or any questions concerning the programme?

Act as follows:

  1. Contact Project Manager Kaisa Kivelä who coordinates Aalto’s WDC programme,  +358 50 564 9253 or kaisa.kivela@aalto.fi
  2. Read the instructions (http://wdc2012helsinki.fi/en/programme/instructions) for making a suggestion for the programme and register  (http://wdc2012helsinki.fi/en/user/register). Aalto University’s  suggestions should be sent as a pdf-file to kaisa.kivela@aalto.fi.

10. Open Call: ‘Youth for Change’ is looking for workshop facilitators!

UNICEF Finland, the Finnish Children and Youth Foundation, Aalto Design Factory and Aalto Social Impact are looking for volunteer facilitators interested in developing and implementing workshops for the “Youth for Change” event.

Date: 12 February 2011, from 10am to 4pm

Location: Design Factory

This is an open call to all to create and implement a workshop where young people can participate throughout the event. The workshops should be fun and aim to empower the youth with the discovery that they can provide solutions and make a difference (in teams and individually). The result can be a good idea or a tool that is useful for countering the challenges of the everyday life.

We are looking forward to your ideas! If you are interested, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can plan the day as well as possible. For detailed information, please contact: Anna Keune (firstname.lastname@aalto.fi) and Eija Oksanen (firstname.lastname@unicef.fi)

11. Linja idea competition

Finnish Transport Agency organises Linja competition. The aim of the competition is to create new ideas which utilise network and mobile technology and which can be developed into services making everyday transport easier and enhance fluency and safety of traffic.

Now you have the opportunity to get information moving. Create ideas on your own or participate with your team. You can make use of traffic related information and transform it into a mind-blowing idea.

The pre-registration of the competition is open until 14 Feb. Further information: http://portal.liikennevirasto.fi/sivu/www/en/news/2011/18012011_linja_en

The  link of the week:

In addition to the campus decision of Aalto University, the media has discussed the quality of indoor air at TaiK: http://omakaupunki.hs.fi/paakaupunkiseutu/uutiset/huono_sisailma_vaivaa_taideteollista_korkeakoulua/ (in Finnish)

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