Newsletter 4/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 4/2011

Thank you for everyone who celebrated AYY’s first birthday! This week, we have many opportunities for you to be active ranging from sports to business relations.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Exceptions to the opening hours at service points
  3. Apply for AYY’s business relations working group
  4. AYY is looking for a media designer
  5. Join the International Degree Students’ Committee
  6. ESN Aalto offers international fun
  7. Liiku Stressi Pois (‘exercise stress away”) course
  8. Sign up for SELL 2011 Games
  9. My Future Career 2011 survey for students of technology
  10. Startup Digest Helsinki newsletter
  11. The closing date for the idea phase of Uutisraivaaja innovation contest is 1 March – you can still participate!
  12. Do you know a student who wants to change the world?

1. This week’s events

– 8 Feb, 5pm–8pm, Aalto ECON, Handelsbanken company presentation, more information and registration at CareerWeb

– 8 Feb, 6pm-11pm open doors at OUBS (Jämeräntaival 1 a) /blog/events/avoimet-ovet-oubsissa/

– 8 Feb, 6pm, Android in Aalto Keynote @ Aalto Venture Garage /en/blog/events/android-in-aalto-keynote/

– 8 Feb, 7pm-8.30pm Foil fencing course for beginners, organised by Ylioppilasmiekkailijat fencing club, begins at Töölö sports hall /blog/events/floretin-alkeiskurssi/

– 9 Feb, 6pm-9pm Aaltoes Fair startup business fair @ Design Factory /blog/events/aaltoes-fair-startup-yritysmessut/

– 9 Feb-12 Feb, 7pm, Humanist spex party at Malmi hall /blog/events/humanistispeksi-aallonharjalla/

– 10 Feb, 2pm–4pm, Aalto ECON, Job hunting in Finland – key points for international degree students: CV and cover letter, more information and registration at CareerWeb

2. Exceptions to the opening hours at service points

This week, all AYY service points have exceptions to their opening hours.

Tue, 8 Feb, Otaniemi service point is closed due to renovation. Other service points are open as usual.

Wed, 9 Feb, the service points of Arabianranta and the School of Economics are closed in the morning due to the training of the staff. Otaniemi service point is closed all day due to renovation.Opening hours:

  • Arabianranta: 12.30pm–2pm
  • School of Economics: 12.30pm–2.30pm, housing affairs, 12pm–2pm

3. Apply for AYY’s business relations working group

AYY will gather a new group of 5–8 volunteers to attend to the business relations of our student union. This is  a great opportunity to gather some sales and marketing experience and learn new information about the management of customer relations. In the group, you can make partnerships for our student union, implement projects and create new ideas for the future. If you are interested, please contact Board Member in charge of business relations Mikko Saastamoinen ( no later than Sunday, 20 February.

4. AYY is looking for a media designer

We are now looking for a visionary person to develop the operations of the student union’s television channel OUBS. The position is part time and will last for two months. The employment will begin by arrangement but no later than 1 March. The position includes the following duties: a clarification on the current operating structure of OUBS and the results of the operations, a survey on the visibility of OUBS among AYY members and a survey on the members’ needs to which OUBS could respond. Based on these surveys, the media designer’s duty is to present new operational, service and funding models for OUBS.

Further information: /blog/2011/02/03/ayy-hakee-mediasuunnittelijaa/ (in Finnish)

5. Join the International Degree Students’ Committee

What should, in your opinion, be improved in how Aalto treats its international students? Would you like to influence the way the Student Union promotes the internationalisation of Aalto? This is your opportunity: Join the International Degree Students’ Committee (IDSC) of Aalto University Student Union (AYY)!

Some of the tasks of the committee include:

  • Representing international degree students and giving input and insight to the work of the AYY Board and staff in international affairs
  • Facilitating international student representation in university and faculty boards
  • Acting as a link between international degree students and AYY

The committee will meet approximately every two months or when needed to discuss topics raised by us or the committee members themselves. To join the committee, please contact

6. ESN Aalto offers international fun

Do you want to have fun in international company, get to know new people or improve your language skills? ESN Aalto is for you!

Finnish and international students from all campuses are welcome to join the activities of ESN, Erasmus Student Network. ESN organises recreational activities for international students and exchange students, in particular. The activities include international parties, trips and cultural events. ESN Aalto is a part of the ESN network covering the whole Europe.

You can join the activities by sending email to Please write your message in English! You can receive further information on the ESN activities by participating in the event where the ESN networks of different universities present their activities. The event will be organised at Lakki Hall in Domus Gaudium (Mechelininkatu 3C) at 4pm on Saturday, 12 February.

7. Liiku Stressi Pois course

This spring, Liiku stressi pois (”exercise stress away”) course will begin in Töölö on 23 February, 2pm–3.30pm.

The course is organised once a week between 23 Feb–13 Apr 2011. The course is organised at FSHS Töölö health centre, Töölönkatu 37 A, on the sports premises on AK floor.

The course includes 8 dates when you can try out different sports and relaxation exercises and hear about issues related to nutrition, rest and stress management. The purpose of the course is to find the connection between physical activities and stress management. The course is a great way to begin exercising for the first time or start again after a long break!

The course is organised as a cooperation between FSHS and AYY. The instructors are FSHS physiotherapist Kati Kauppala and AYY’s Sports Specialist, Physical Education Instructor Karoliina Sarkkula.

The course is free but requires commitment. If you cannot attend and do not cancel the class, we willl charge a 15 euro fee! 12 students are accepted for the course. Binding registrations by 18 February to physiotherapy at FSHS Töölö health centre, Mon-Fri, 11am-12noon, tel.  046710 1503 or

8. Participate in SELL 2011 Games

The 27th SELL Games will be organised in Kaunas, Lithuania, on 12–15 May 2011.

A full-time university student can sign up for the games. A person who has already graduated may participate within one year of the graduation. In the games, you represent the university where you have registered for the attendance. Only one team/delegation from the university can participate in the games.

In SELL 2011 Games, you can compete in the following sports: basketball, athletics, orienteering, mini-football, table tennis, swimming, weightlifting, judo, volleyball and wrestling

The detailed information and instructions for the various sports are available on the website of the games at

Further information: and


9. My Future Career 2011 survey for students of technology

Now you can proactively think about your own future working life and identify your career preferences. For the first time you will be able to get feedback on your results immediately! You will also be able to find, connect and communicate with your ideal employers.

Participate by following this link:

You also have a chance to win an iPhone 4-phone, a trip of your choice, a Universum stipendium (value: 1000 euro). All participants will get their own Wet Feet Insider Guide: Ace Your Interview.

10. Startup Digest Helsinki newsletter

Subscribe to a weekly Startup Digest Helsinki newsletter at It also acts as the new information channel of Aaltoes. All the best startup events are included. Startup Digest newsletter email will be published every Monday in 57 different cities and 6 universities.

11. The closing date for the idea phase of Uutisraivaaja innovation contest is 1 March – you can still participate!

Uutisraivaaja contest seeks ideas for finding new practices and successful business models for the distribution of information. You can participate by submitting your idea. The competition offers development funding of €250,000. Further information: . You can also follow the contest on Facebook and Twitter.

12. Do you know a student who wants to change the world?

The Dell Social Innovation Competition offers big rewards to university students who have great ideas to solve social issues, such as environmental sustainability, poverty alleviation or global health.

At least five winning teams will be awarded cash prizes totaling more than $100,000 and will be flown to Austin, Texas to participate in an expenses-paid Finalist Week-End! Other benefits of entering the competition include the chance to win fellowships in social entrepreneurship and one-on-one mentoring to further develop your idea if it isn’t already grand prize-worthy. Students at all levels of idea generation should enter!

Entering is easy: simply submit a 500-word (max) idea summary on the DSIC website. The competition is open to university students worldwide! To learn more about developing your idea and entering it into the 2011 Dell Social Innovation Competition, please visit

The deadline for entry is 14 February, so please  forward this email and start spreading the word today about this opportunity to change the world!

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