Newsletter 5/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 5/2011

Even though there is still snow and it is cold outside, many students are already thinking about summer jobs.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Participate in the development of teaching and education feedback survey for students
  3. Design a logo for XXVII SELL 2012 university student sports games
  4. Take part in the election survey for students and decision-makers
  5. Murjottelu provides crossdisciplinary summer jobs for Aalto University students
  6. International internships for technology students and others
  7. Idea contest on the logo and visual image of UniSport
  8. Otetta opiskeluun workshop

1. This week’s events

– 14 Feb, 3pm–4pm Alexander Stubb lectures on the topic Finland, the EU and the new power relations of world politics in A1 Hall in the main building of Otaniemi Campus /blog/events/alexander-stubb-luennoi-aiheesta-suomi-eu-ja-maailmanpolitiikan-uudet-valtasuhteet/

– 14 Feb, 4.45pm–5.45pm Valentine’s Day Race with Stubb, starts from the Alvari Square /blog/events/ystavanpaivalenkki-stubbin-kanssa/

– 16 Feb, 9am–12.30pm Built Environment recruiting event at the great hall of Dipoli /blog/events/built-environment-rekrytointitapahtuma/

– 16 Feb, 12noon–2pm Aalto University’s campus vision information and discussion event in E341 hall in Arkadia Building on Töölö Campus /blog/events/aalto-yliopiston-kampusvision-tiedotus-ja-keskustelutilaisuus/

– 16 Feb, 3pm–5pm The kick-off of Murjottelu internships at Aalto Venture Garage /blog/events/murjottelu-kick-off/

– 16 Feb, 6.30pm Ristin Kilta’s discussion night at Otaniemi Chapel /blog/events/mita-eroa-on-raamatun-jumalalla-ja-jumalilla/

– 16 Feb, 8pm onwards, SIK goes Emo megaparty @ TF /en/blog/events/sik-goes-emo/

-17 Feb, 2pm–4pm Aalto University’s campus vision information and discussion event in E1 hall in the main building of Otaniemi Campus /blog/events/aalto-yliopiston-kampusvision-tiedotus-ja-keskustelutilaisuus-2/

– 18 Feb, 7pm, KY-Speksi’s Jäniksen selässä premiere at Gloria culture arena /blog/events/ky-speksin-ensi-ilta/

2. Participate in the development of teaching and education feedback survey for students

As part of Aalto University’s Teaching Evaluation Exercise, TEE, implemented in the academic year 2010–2011, a feedback survey was opened for students. The aim of TEE is to evaluate the current state of degree programmes (excluding doctoral studies) and the planning, administration, implementation and development of their teaching and compare it to successful practices elsewhere. In addition, the aim is to provide feedback and development suggestions for degree programmes.

The participation of students is an essential part of TEE and the student feedback survey complements other participation possibilities. Through the feedback survey, the students’ can provide their perspective on the quality of teaching. In addition, the Aalto University Student Union has collected statements from students at each school concerning the teaching at their schools. In addition, international expert panels will interview students during their visit in April.

The survey is aimed at students who have started their studies in the years 2007–2009. You can respond until 21 Feb.

The survey in Finnish:

The questionnaire in English:

3. Design a logo for XXVII SELL 2012 university student sports games

Aalto University Sports Club (AaltoUS) organises a logo design contest for XXVII SELL Games 2012.

SELL Games are an international multi-sports event which is one of the largest sports events in Finland after the mass events. The logo and the related elements will be visible in all event-related marketing, such as communications (websites, newsletters, magazines, etc.) and the games material. The design contest is open to all students of Aalto University.

Designs must be submitted ready for printing no later than 27 Feb by email to In addition to a great reference, the person who designs the best logo will be awarded with a 100 euro gift certificate to Stockmann and samples of the competition material where the logo is displayed.

Read the competition instructions: /en/blog/2011/02/09/design-a-logo-for-sell-2012-sports-games/

4. Metropolitan policy heats up before the elections – take part in the election survey for students and decision-makers

The upcoming parliamentary elections will determine how the Metropolitan Area will be developed during the next four years. Will the loop railroad and the centre tunnel be built? How will the student housing production be ensured? Will the study grant be enough to live on in the Metropolitan Area?

Take part in MetropoliAreenas, the Aalto University Student Union’s and the Student Union of the University of Helsinki’s election survey for students and decision-makers and share your opinions. It’s done easy and quickly by clicking this link:

All participants of the survey are eligible to win movie tickets or three 50 euro -gift card to Suomalainen Kirjakauppa.

We also want to invite you to AYY:s, HYY:s and MetropoliAreena’s Great Election Panel on March 2nd at 4-6 pm at Vanha Ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 3, Helsinki. Participating in the panel are: Jan Vapaavuori, Timo Laaninen, Maria Guzenina-Richardson, Anni Sinnemäki, Paavo Arhinmäki, Astrid Thors, Päivi Räsänen ja Pietari Jääskeläinen.

5. Murjottelu provides crossdisciplinary summer jobs for Aalto University students!

Murjottelu is Aalto University’s crossdisciplinary summer job campaign which helps students in finding a challenging summer job in their own field. Murjottelu summer jobs are completed in a working group formed by students from two or several fields (business operations, technology and design). A working group will work in production and product development in companies, for example. The duration of the summer job project is usually 2-4 months.

Aarikka, ABB, Dicole, Design Factory, Futurice, Metso and Savox, among others, participate in Murjottelu campaign in 2011. Check out the projects offered by companies and fill out the application form by 3 March at

Sign up for Murjottelu campaign:

6. International internships for technology students and others

The application process for IAESTE Programme 2011 is ongoing and will continue until 4.15pm on Fri, 18 Feb. The programme includes a total of 76 vacancies in 39 different countries.

In addition to traditional engineer positions, this year’s programme includes 5 vacancies in architecture, 14 vacancies for the students of German and a few vacancies suitable for scientists. In addition, students from several various fields may apply for a few vacancies. In addition to the recruitment, IASTE interns will be assisted in finding housing for them and leisure time activities will be arranged on the internship locations.

The list on available positions, the application instructions and the link to the electronic application form are available at -> Hakijalle. In addition, we ask the students of technology to submit a paper version of the application documents to the career and recruitment services of the Aalto University School of Technology (Otakaari 7B).

7. Idea contest on the logo and the visual image of UniSport

UniSport will organise an open idea contest for Unisport logo and the elements of the visual image. The aim of the contest is to find an idea based on which the logo and the visual image will be designed for UniSport.

The visual image will be used in the communications of UniSport both in the electronic and printed form. The aim of the contest is to bring out the voice of Unisport users and the personnel in a new way.

How do you see UniSport? Read the contest invitation and participate:

8. Otetta opiskeluun workshop (NB! The meeting times have been postponed.)

In the spring of 2011, Otetta opiskeluun (”get a grip on your studies”) workshop will be arranged for the basic degree students of Aalto University. The group is intended for students who are struggling with their studies; they might find it difficult to start study projects or run out of energy to finish assignments, for example. This workshop covers the setting of goals, time management and the ways to support coping and well-being.

If necessary, we may also cover issues related to learning techniques (reading, writing, maths, etc.) Work methods include group discussions and group exercises. The workshop is led by Study Psychologist Minna Nevala and Study Psychology Intern Katja Junttila. The workshop is organised in Finnish.

Meeting times: Fri, 18 Feb, Fri, 25 Feb, Fri, 4 March and Fri, 11 March, 10am–12noon

Meeting location: Innopoli 2 (Tekniikantie 14), meeting room C325

Registrations and further information: minna.nevala(at) or 040 353 8112, registrations by 15 Feb. The four meetings form an entity and you will get the most out of the workshop if you participate in every meeting. It is beneficial to have the same people in the group every time for the peer support and the functioning of the group.

The link of the week:

If you have not yet had a look at AYY’s 1st anniversary on OUBS, do it now:!

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