Newsletter 6/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 6/2011

This week, KY’s 100th anniversary will climaxe with celebrations at Finlandia Hall

  1. This week’s events
  2. Work at Gravitaatio party
  3. Aalto University’s snow golf event on 6 March
  4. Participate in the survey on Aalto’s image
  5. Looking for harbingers for the promotion ceremony of the School of Economics
  6. Teekkari workbook is looking for a chief editor
  7. Join us in developing Finnish higher education
  8. Finnish Student Sports Federation signed the Brighton Declaration

1. This week’s events

– 21 Feb, 1pm-3pm Information and discussion event of Aalto University’s campus vision in Sampo Hall on Arabia Campus /blog/events/aalto-yliopiston-kampusvision-tiedotus-ja-keskustelutilaisuus-3/

– 21 Feb, 4pm-7pm AYY’s association training in Otaniemi, Otakaari 5, Hall S4 /blog/events/ayyn-yhdistyskoulutus-otaniemessa/

– 21 Feb, 5.30pm-7pm Baccus annual meeting in the main side of KY Building  /blog/events/baccus-vuosikokous/

– 22 Feb, 4pm-7pm AYY’s association training in  Töölö, Runeberginkatu 14-16, Hall A401 /blog/events/ayyn-yhdistyskoulutus-toolossa/

– 22 Feb, 5.30pm, Teekkari sailors’ coastal skipper course begins, Rakentajanaukio 4, Hall R1 /blog/events/saaristo-ja-rannikkolaivurikurssit/

– 22 Feb, 5.30pmk-8pm, Oxetti is looking for male singers, Konetalo (Otakaari 4), Hall 206 /blog/events/oxetti-hakee-mieslaulajia/

– 22 Feb, 7pm, KY-spex performance at the culture arena Gloria (Pieni Roobertinkatu 12) /blog/events/ky-speksin-naytos/

– 23 Feb, 7pm, KY-spex performance at culture arena Gloria (Pieni Roobertinkatu 12) /blog/events/ky-speksin-naytos-2/

-24 Feb, 12noon-5pm, blood donation at Dipoli, 4B Hall /blog/events/verenluovutus-dipolissa-2/

– 24 Feb, 5.30pm, Teekkari sailors’  coastal skipper course, Rakentajanaukio 4, Hall R1 /blog/events/saaristo-ja-rannikkolaivurikurssit/

– 24 Feb, 7pm-9pm, Baccus’ food & wine tasting in the main side of KY building /blog/events/ruoka-viini-tasting/

– 24 Feb, 7pm, KY-spex performance at the culture arena Gloria (Pieni Roobertinkatu 12) /blog/events/ky-speksin-naytos-3/

2. Work at Gravitation party!

Gravitation party is here again. In order for us to organise the party, we need plenty of lovely people to work!

This year, Gravitation will be organised on 8 March at The Circus and the performers include Goon and Jenni Vartiainen.

We are now looking for ticket sellers and a few van drivers and people in charge of catering.

People in charge of catering are responsible for providing food for the bands and the employees at the party. Van drivers will drive the van and help to carry equipment from Otaniemi to Circus and back. Van drivers work in two shifts so the same people do not have to spend the whole day and night driving around. Ticket sellers must sell tickets for one hour on the party day either at Ullis or Circus or they can have two two-hour shifts in the week preceding the party. The more specific working hours are agreed on when we find the employees.

More specific information on the event:

If you are interested in one of these duties, please contact Lakinlaskijaiset Director Anu Juvonen ( or May Day Director Lauri Ikonen ( The same people are glad to answer any questions you might have.

In return, you will get a free entrance to the party, an overall badge and an entrance to the party arranged for employees. In addition, you have the opportunity to get the desired pink ribbon of the party committee, the precondition for the ribbon is to work in two parties.

3. Aalto University’s snow golf event on 6 March

Aalto University’s personnel challenges the students to a unique experience beyond compare – the snow golf event at Jämi field on Sunday, 6 March.

Two 9-hole rounds are played in the event. In the field, there is a rest stop between the lanes 2 and 3 and the lanes  8 and 9 where we take a break and enjoy refreshments. The form of golf will be determined according to the number of registered players. There are no handicap requirements. You will use all components of golf from driving to putting and need all the necessary equipment. Choose clothing depending on the weather.

First 18 members of the personnel and 18 student representatives to sign up can take part in the game.   The participation fee is €15 which includes the game fee, 3 orange winter balls, refreshments and prizes.

Further information on transport, registration and the schedule is available at:  /blog/2011/02/17/7126/ or martti.kyykoski (at)

4. Participate in the survey on Aalto’s image

You are welcome to express your views – a survey on Aalto’s image is open until 4 March.

5. Looking for harbingers for the promotion ceremony of the School of Economics

The students of economics! The 14th promotion ceremony of the Aalto University School of Economics will be arranged on 19–21 May. The promotion ceremony is a festive ending of university studies where the graduating masters and doctors receive their academic honours. The celebrations start on 19 May and continue with the promotion ceremony and dinner on 20 May. The promotion ceremony will end with a herring lunch on 21 May. Traditionally, the students of economics participate in the promotion ceremony as harbingers. They assist the officiants of the promotion ceremony so that the ceremony will be as elegant as possible. The harbingers are led by the chief harbinger who is Professor Matti Liski in the promotion ceremony of 2011. Working as a harbinger is a unique opportunity to get to know the oldest academic tradition already before your graduation. The harbingers are welcome to participate in the herring lunch which will finish the promotion ceremony and which is organised in restaurant Pörssi at 12noon on 21 May.

Inquiries concerning the duty and registrations can be addressed to Project Planner Jenni Kuusivuori (jenni.kuusivuori (at) at the promotion office. The address has extensive information on the promotion celebration and the promotion tradition.

6. Teekkari workbook is looking for a chief editor

Teekkari! Do you want to be in the main role in producing Teekkari workbook which is published already for the 19th time? You can produce the entire project all the way from the planning stage to the high-quality outcome. The print run of the workbook is 10,000 and the workbook also has its own website.

This is an interesting job offer! Please submit your application by 28 Feb at the latest. Read the complete call for applications at:

7. Join us in developing Finnish higher education!

The Ministry of Education and Culture considers it important to ensure that education in Finland is of the highest possible standard now and in the future. As an international student/teacher/researcher you have an important contribution to make to the success of the Finnish higher education system.

Click the link below and share your views:

This web-based interview will take 15 minutes of your time, just follow the instructions on each page. The interview will be open until the end of February. Give your opinions freely, expressing your own ideas and commenting on the ideas of others.

8. Finnish Student Sports Federation signed the Brighton Declaration

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is the first student sports organization in the world to sign the Brighton Declaration. The overriding aim is to develop a sporting culture that enables and values the full involvement of women in every aspect of sport.

The Finnish Student Sports Federation signed the Brighton Declaration on its 87th anniversary February 11th 2011 as the first student sports organisation in the world. The Finnish Student Sports Federations’ President of the Executive Board Akseli Hakala and Secretary General Hilkka Laitinen signed the declaration on the federations’ anniversary reception in Helsinki.

The link of the week:

How many of this year’s graduating students are future Aalto students?

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