Newsletter 10/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 10/2011

Are you full of ideas? The design contest for AYY’s calendar cover is here!

  1. This week’s events
  2. Join the well-being week on 28 March-1 April
  3. Design a cover for AYY’s calendar
  4. AYY’s statement on Aalto’s campus discussion
  5. Apply for AYY’s anniversary committee 2012
  6. TTER’s call for applications is open
  7. Youth delegate training 2011 of Red Cross
  8. Participate in the emotion research of Aalto University’s Department of Media Technology
  9. Welcome to the WE Model United Nations Conference (WEMUNC)

1. This week’s events

2. Join the well-being week on 28 March-1 April

AYY and KY will organise in cooperation the well-being week on 28 March-1 April.

The well-being week brings a healthy change to a student’s everyday life. KY’s sports and well-being committee and AYY’s Aalto-Liike get students moving with the opportunity to try out various sports and they will brighten your school days during the well-being week.

Read more about the programme and the sports you can try out on the event’s facebook page.

3. Design a cover for AYY’s calendar

Aalto University Student Union will organise a design contest for a calendar cover on 21 March – 29 April 2011. AYY’s student calendar will be published and distributed to all student union members in the autumn of 2011 and the artwork of the designer will end up in the hands of thousands of Aalto students. The design contest is open to all AYY members. In addition to fame and glory, the designer of the best cover will win a Stockmann gift card of 100 euro.

Further information on AYY’s website.

4. AYY’s statement on Aalto’s campus discussion

The campus solution of Aalto University, planned for the summer of 2011, has provoked much debate at the university, in the student union and other interest groups. There are various views of the best campus solution within Aalto’s student community, which can be roughly divided into two: one common campus in Espoo, Otaniemi, or a decentralised campus along the metro line. Both options have both advantages and challenges. The widely accepted common view is, however, that moving both physically between the various units and within different fields of study should be effortless.

In AYY’s opinion, learning and research environments, meeting places, services, public transport and housing provided by the campus solution are more important than the physical location. Aalto University’s campus should be something unique, compelling and outstanding, and it should also be appealing to those outside our academic community.

Read AYY’s statement in its entirety at

5. Apply for AYY’s anniversary committee 2012

Aalto University Student Union is looking for volunteers to work with the person in charge of anniversary arrangements. New members and the person in charge will form a brand new anniversary committee. The goal and the pride of the committee is to organise a unique second anniversary of the student union in February next year. The call for applications is open until 31 March.

Further information is available online or by email. If you are interested, please send an application to

6. TTER’s call for applications is open

TTER’s second application round of the year is open. The purpose of the fund is to allocate grants to support the various strivings of the student union, its members, and the organisations and associations operating within the student union. Grants can be applied for with a separate application and the application deadline is Sunday, 3 April, 11.59pm.

Instructions for the application and the drafting of the attachments are available at the website of the fund at The website also has other information concerning the fund – it is worth to read it even if you do not have the need for the grant at the moment!

For further information, please send email to Good luck!

7. Youth delegate training 2011 of Red Cross

The youth delegate training of Red Cross is organised again in May (22-27 May 2011) and the application period is open until 10 April. Further information is available at (in Finnish) or (in Swedish).

The youth delegate training of Red Cross gives an overall picture of the Red Cross activities in Finland and abroad as well as the capability to act as a youth delegate around the world in various development tasks in organisational activities. After the course, you have the opportunity to explore international relief work, lead camp groups which are going abroad and travel to international study excursions. Organisational experience at Red Cross is not required from the future youth delegates, the requirements are an interest in international relief work and voluntary activities in Finland. The course is arranged entirely in English. Youth delegates are between 20-28 years old.

8. Participate in the emotion research of Aalto University’s Department of Media Technology

Are you hungry? Don’t worry, you can earn two lunch vouchers by participating in the research on the viewing experience of emotional videos. The research is conducted by Aalto University’s Department of Media Technology. Further information and the registration form are available Online.

9. Welcome to the WE Model United Nations Conference (WEMUNC)

Welcome to the WE Model United Nations Conference (WEMUNC), an annual event that will take place at the beginning of August 2011 in Beijing, China. The WE Model United Nations Conference is an academic simulation of the United Nations in which students take on roles as diplomats. They do research on their respective country and its interests, investigate international issues, debate, deliberate, consult, and then develop solutions to world problems. The conference nowadays gathers over 2000 delegates from around the world, making it a truly international experience and the biggest MUN Conference in Asia. More information:

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