Newsletter 11/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 11/2011

AYY’s and KY’s common well-being week starts today!

  1. This week’s events
  2. AYY’s and KY’s common well-being week
  3. AYY’s great election panel!
  4. Tongji on Tracks
  5. Aalto’s student channel Into is open
  6. Welcome to FSHS’s life skills course
  7. AaltoLunch makes sure you don’t have lunch alone
  8. Call for proposals: Nordic Climate Festival
  9. Apply for a seller’s permit at Lasipalatsi Design Markets event

1. This week’s events

2. AYY’s and KY’s common well-being week

AYY and KY will organise in cooperation the well-being week on 28 March-1 April. The well-being week brings a healthy change to a student’s everyday life. KY’s sports and well-being committee and AYY’s Aalto-Liike get students moving with the opportunity to try out various sports and they will brighten your school days during the well-being week.

Read more about the programme and the sports you can try out on the event’s facebook site.

3. AYY’s great election panel!

How should careers be lengthened? How many nuclear plant permissions will be provided in the next electoral term? Will education be free in the future? Will Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen be joined into Helsinki? Will Finland join NATO? You can get answers to these and many other questions in the great election panel of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY)!

The event will be arranged at Otakaari 1 (TKK’s old main building), Hall A, 2nd floor at 4pm-6pm on Wednesday, 6 April. The following MP candidates will answer the questions: Raija Vahasalo (kok), Antti Kaikkonen (kesk), Mikael Jungner (SDP), Jussi Saramo (vas), Jyrki Kasvi (vihr), Christina Gestrin (RKP), Arto Lahti (KD) and Simon Elo (ps).

The panel is hosted by AYY’s Chairperson Saara Hyrkkö and a funny student Henri Lönn. You can send questions in advance to the address

4. Tongji on Tracks

Tongji on Tracks brings approximately 100 Tongji University students and the university personnel as the guests for Aalto University, Design Factory and the Aalto University Student Union Aalto. Our prestigious guests will arrive in Finland in the evening on 10 May 2011. The actual programme will begin on 11 May and culminate in the evening programme organised on 18 May. On 19 May, we have to say goodbye when Tongji students take a flight back home. The programme will be completed later but it will include campus tours, corporate visits and nature trips

In order to make the journey of the Chinese as memorable as the journey of Aalto students was, we need the help of as many students as possible. We need help in guiding and entertaining the Chinese during the week

So, if you are interested in internationality and getting to know new people and cultures, join the project. Please send email to teemu.peltokallio(at) by 31 March and tell briefly and informally who you are, where do you come from and whether you are interested in acting as the coordinator of all volunteers. Further information: (in Finnish).

5. Aalto’s student channel Into is open

Into, the website for Aalto students, was opened at Into is a public portal for Aalto University’s Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level students, which has information related to studies, university services and the university. Into provides information on degree structures, instructions for study practices, academic year registration, graduation and exchange studies. In addition, Into gathers current news related to studies and Aalto for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level students.

6. Welcome to FSHS’s life skills course

Do you want to learn useful life skills and how to maintain good mood and everyday life? In the course, you deal with issues concerning your own life and practise problem solving. You learn to recognise feelings and thoughts and work with your thoughts. You gain a tool box for yourself which helps you to foster your well-being, moods and life management.

The course covers successful everyday life and time management, well-being, stress and problem solving and the recognition of feelings and thoughts. The goal is to help the participants’ life management, well-being and self-knowledge. Now you have the opportunity to participate in the course at Otaniemi health centre! The course will be organised at Otaniemi Health centre of the FSHS. The course price is 5 x 4.50€

Course schedule: On Tuesdays, 19 Apr, 26 Apr, 3 May, 10 May, 17 May, 3pm-5pm. The course is led by Riitta Salomäki, life skill course leader, public health nurse at FSHS. You can sign up by email: riitta.salomä Please mention your name and telephone number and we will get back to you. Please reserve your place early! The maximum of 10 students are accepted to the course in the registration order. The last day to sign up is 10 April 2011.

7. AaltoLunch makes sure you don’t have lunch alone!

AaltoLunch is a social online service which provides information on daily lunch menus of student restaurants on all Aalto campuses!

Through the service, you can see the daily menus on your campus, choose the restaurant and time for your lunch and share your lunch plans with your friends. AaltoLunch is specifically designed to be used with mobile devices.

Try out the service at!

8. Call for proposals: Nordic Climate Festival

Aalto University will host a 4-day youth event on climate change and sustainability issues, Nordic Climate Festival @Aalto, on 30 Aug-2 Sept 2011. It is one of the main events of the Finnish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2011. Nordic Climate Festival @ Aalto will be coordinated with the Nordic climate day on 11 November 2011.

We now invite all Master and PhD level students studying in Nordic universities to apply for our workshop, Shortcuts to sustainable Nordic communities! The workshop focuses on finding novel approaches in promoting sustainable solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges in the Nordic countries.

Our workshop consists of 7 tracks, ranging from sustainable urban planning and energy efficient construction practices to sustainable design. The aim of the workshop is for the students to introduce existing Nordic sustainability initiatives and to develop them further, to form a ‘roadmap’ to sustainable Nordic future.

For more information on the event, please visit

9. Apply for a seller’s permit at Lasipalatsi Design Markets event

Do you design and make handicraft or design products? Are you a young designer? Do you mainly sell your products online or occasionally in various stores but need more visibility? Lasipalatsi Design Markets is looking for men’s, women’s and children’s clothes, shoes, jewellery, accessories, paper and interior design products and art handicraft which are suitable for selling at the design market event.

The seller itself takes care of the product transport, presentation, selling and accounting. The rent of the table is €150+VAT for the whole event. The event organisers are responsible for selling permits, renting the tent, necessary infrastructure as well as marketing and communications. There is a security officer during the opening hours and a security guard in the night. The seller must take care of the insuring of the products. Please note that the market will be constructed already on 10 June.

See further information on the event and application instructions at

The link of the week

The candidate matcher for the youth is open! Finnish Youth Cooperation – Allianssi, the National Union of University Students in Finland, the Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences, the Union of Finnish Upper Secondary School Students, SAKKI, Alliance of Finnish Students OSKU and the Union of Youth Councils of Finland offer a possibility for those who are looking for a right candidate to present questions on important issues for young people.

The candidate matcher for the youth includes 26 questions and the themes focus on the life of those who are under 29-years-old. Go to the candidate matcher: (in Finnish)

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