Newsletter 13/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 13/2011

The advance voting of the parliamentary elections will end on 12 April and the official election day is 17 Apr 2011.

  1. This week’s events
  2. 61st Akateeminen Wartti, back to the roots
  3. Aalto Wappu Teaser on 19 Apr
  4. ESN Tandem project: practice a foreign language with a native speaker
  5. Nyyti offers volunteer work
  6. CAREERLAB Landing on the Finnish job market
  7. Aalto University participating in CMI’s anniversary seminar
  8. Find out more and get involved, WDC info on 14 Apr
  9. Evangelising Entrepreneurship – Getting to know 3 of Aalto’s Entrepreneurship Engines
  10. Art exhibition BIG WORDS

1.      This week’s events

Friday, 15 Apr: Nyyti’s hangout night in Helsinki (in Finnish)

2.      61st Akateeminen Wartti, back to the roots

Akateeminen Wartti (”academic quarter”) is a carnival-like running event arranged already for six decades, which aim is to gather students to celebrate May Day in a sporty atmosphere. Six-person teams try to proceed as far as possible as a team in 15 minutes. The best outfits, batons and the most successful teams will be rewarded. Over the years, baby bottles, blow-up dolls and even a living goat have acted as a baton. However, the most important things are the May Day spirit and the carnival atmosphere! You can participate in Akateeminen Wartti with a six-person team.


  • Pokaalisarja/Trophy Series, free of charge
  • Wapaa Wartti/Free Quarter, free of charge
  • Sikariporras/Cigar league, 60e per team

Registrations to Wartti start on 11 April and continue until 23 April. Application instructions and further information is available at (in Finnish). Check out the video and learn what it is all about!

3.       Aalto Wappu Teaser on 19 Apr

The event will start with a Wappu orientation and a cocktail party organised for international students in the KY House  (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21) at 5pm. The purpose is to tell international students about all the fun events that will be arranged during the last week of April. Sparkling wine and snacks are provided.

Wappu Teaser will continue with äMP3 Experiment at Lasipalatsi square at 6.30pm. More information. Don’t be late and don’t miss this event!

After the äMP3 Experiment, we will continue with a picnic and some fun activities starting at 7.30pm in Ruttopuisto Park. The after party will start in Alakertsi of KY House at 9pm. BRING YOUR OWN BOTTLES!

4.      ESN Tandem project: practice a foreign language with a native speaker

Do you want to learn to speak a foreign language fluently? Try out a language exchange with a native speaker! You can find a partner through the Tandem project arranged by ESN Aalto. In the project, you get paired with a student whose mother tongue is the language of your choice and who wants to learn your native language. You can meet as often as you wish and practice each language half of the time. Both participants can learn each other’s language and learn about each other’s countries and cultures. To join the project, fill out the form below:

Further information on the international activities of ESN (Erasmus Student Network): please write in English to the address or join ESN Aalto group on Facebook.

5.      Nyyti offers volunteer work

Nyyti is participating in the European Year of Volunteering and looking for volunteers for marketing duties, in particular. Volunteers can work at fairs, events and occasions by handing out Nyyti’s brochures. The organisation is also looking for motivated people to lead the hangout nights and be involved in offering  alternative nights for students.

Voluntary work will properly begin in the autumn of 2011, but you can already sign up at Nyyti’s website. All adults are welcome to make their own contribution in the field of volunteering. You can read more at Nyyti’s website (in Finnish).

Possible enquiries and contacts can be addressed to Nyyti office:

6.      CAREERLAB Landing on the Finnish job market

Thursday, 14 April, 2pm to 4pm
Hall E, Otakaari 1 (Main building)

Are you looking for a job in Finland? As an international student you may face some challenges in entering the Finnish labour market. Aalto University Career Services (technology) is organising an event to help you better understand how the job hunting process and Finnish labour market work. This is an opportunity for you to hear how other foreigners have managed to get employed here and to ask questions you have about entering the labour market in Finland.

The event is open to all international students of Aalto University!

More information and registrations.

7.      Aalto University participating in CMI’s anniversary seminar

The anniversary seminar of Crisis Management Initiative (CMI), founded by President Ahtisaari, will be arranged in Helsinki on 19 April. The keynote speaker is Mr. Kofi Annan. Aalto members have the opportunity of their life to participate in these unique events arranged both on 18 and 19 April.

On Monday, 18 April, 2pm-4pm, CMI’s preview lecture We want peace is organised for Aalto members in the Assembly Hall of Aalto University School of Economics. In the preview lecture, a Sudanese peacemaker, former child soldier and hiphop artist Emmanuel Jal will tell his story. In addition, CMI’s Executive Director Tuija Talvitie will present CMI’s operations and its projects and assignments in various conflict areas in Africa, Middle East, Black Sea region and South-East Asia, for example.

You can follow CMI’s actual 10th anniversary seminar on Tuesday, 19 April, 2pm-6pm, as a live streaming in Sampo Hall of Media Centre Lume. The keynote speaker of the seminar is the former Secretary General of the UN Kofi Annan. Among other speakers, Swanee Hunt, lecturer at Harvard and an ambassador, will speak in the seminar arranged in the Finnish National Theatre. The seminar is hosted by Al Jazeera’s presenter Stephen Cole.

Both the preview lecture and the events at Media Centre Lume are open to the whole Aalto community, both students and personnel. Further information: Tuuli Sotamaa, tuuli.sotamaa(at) or
Minna Pajari, minna.pajari(at), tel. 050 571 0526

8.      Find out more and get involved, WDC info on 14 Apr

Aalto University and World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 – FIND OUT MORE and GET INVOLVED 2/4

The second of the fourth FIND OUT MORE and GET INVOLVED event will be organised on Thursday, 14 Apr 2011, 2pm-4pm at Aalto Design Factory in Otaniemi at Betonimiehenkuja 5. In the event, you have the opportunity to hear the latest news, project presentations and you can exchange ideas and network. The casual and informal events are open to all Aalto members and Aalto’s WDC partners. Coffee and snacks are provided. Welcome!

Registrations or


9.      Evangelising Entrepreneurship – Getting to know 3 of Aalto’s Entrepreneurship Engines

Did you know that in 2010, 15 ambitious companies were started by Aalto students, and they have combined to raise over €5m in growth funding?  Or that in Otaniemi we have coaches working with our startups who have combined experience of raising over €200m in venture capital for their startup companies?  Or that we have a brand new partnership with Stanford University that will help us send many students to have courses there and network with Valley-based startups?

Please join us for a lively discussion about how you as a student or researcher can use Aalto resources to:

  • Validate your entrepreneurial idea
  • Create a startup company
  • Join a high growth startup company
  • Find a team to build a startup with you
  • Get the chance to visit and even intern at global startup hubs like Silicon Valley, Boston, London or Tel Aviv

Presenters: Aalto Entrepreneurship Society AES, board member Aalto Venture Garage, communications manager Natalie Gaudet & Captain Ville Simola ACE, Head of Aalto Centre for Entrepreneurship Will Cardwell

Advance registration is not required.

OTANIEMI: Tue, 12 Apr 2011, 10am-12noon, old TKK main building, Otakaari 1, Hall D
TÖÖLÖ: Tue, 19 Apr 2011, 10am-12noon, Aalto ECON main building, Wihuri hall (C-350)
ARABIA: Wed, 20 Apr 2011, 10am-12noon, Aalto TAIK, lecture room 334

For more information, please visit Into.

10. Art exhibition BIG WORDS

Aalto University’s postgraduate student association Aallonhuiput will organise an art exhibition ”BIG WORDS” at Gallery Atski on 12-29 April. The theme of the exhibition is dissertation works and the artists are doctoral students from the various schools of Aalto University.

AALTO UNIVERSITY PARTICIPANTS: Lisa Erdman School of Art and Design, Kati Heljakka School of Art and Design, Eeva Houtbeckers School of Economics, Tapani Hyvämäki School of Electrical Engineering, Iina Vaajamo School of Chemical Technology, Mikko Kanerva School of Engineering, Lauri Lahti School of Science, Maarit Laihonen School of Economics, Katri Nykänen School of Economics, Ulla Ryynänen School of Art and Design, Tarja Toikka School of Art and Design.

The gallery is open from Mondays to Thursdays at 7.30am-7pm and Fridays at 7.30am-6pm. More information.

The link of the week

äMP3 Experiment organised by AYY and KY-Sub, will take place at Lasipalatsi Square at 6.30pm on 19 April. You can get into the right mood in advance by watching the atmosphere in a similar event in New York.

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