Newsletter 14/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 14/2011

The next newsletter will be published exceptionally after Easter on Tuesday, 26 April 2011. Material  for that newsletter must be submitted by 10am on Thursday, 21 April 2011. Have a nice Easter holiday!

  1. This week’s events
  2. Help Aino and win a movie ticket package for you and your friend!
  3. Sell your goods at Treasure Market
  4. Do you want to represent Aalto in a swimming contest in Shanghai?
  5. Aid for international projects
  6. Design a logo for Kyky Project
  7. New cooking programme of OUBS
  8. ÄPY GALA 2011, Tue, 26 Apr, 3pm
  9. Use the FSHS call back service – one call is enough!
  10. Product Design Gala on 20 Apr 2011

    1. This week’s events

    Wednesday, 20 Apr: Teekkari spex 2011: Cirque, performance /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2011-cirque-naytos-5/ (in Finnish)
    Thursday, 21 Apr: Teekkari spex 2011: Cirque, performance /blog/events/teekkarispeksi-2011-cirque-naytos-6/ (in Finnish)

    2. Help Aino and win a movie ticket package for you and your friend!

    Aino’s great drinking survey: Problems with booze?

    After what kind of an event have you considered your own alcohol use? Why do you drink alcohol? What does drinking mean to you?

    Summer romances: How to find a summer romance in Aalto style?

    Have you experienced a summer romance? Are you looking for one? Tell about your experiences!

    In both reader surveys, we raffle three movie ticket packages among the respondents who have submitted their email addresses. Responses will be treated confidentially and are used anonymously for editorial purposes in Aino magazine. Replies will not be published online.

    3. Sell your goods at Treasure Market

    AYY will organise the Treasure Market (Aarremarkkinat) on Saturday, 7 May, 11am-5pm at KY’s alakertsi and restaurant Nolla (Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21). Treasure Market is a combination of a jumble sale, flea market and exchange market completed with brunch at restaurant Nolla! You have three options to recycle the stuff you no longer need: sell, donate or exchange!

    Flea market: Sell it yourself or donate for sale to AYY’s Development Cooperation section. One man’s trash  is another one’s treasure! You can come and sell your goods for free in the traditional flea market or, alternatively, donate your stuff to AYY’s Development Cooperation section. AYY’s Development Cooperation section will use the profit for the development cooperation project in Swaziland.
    Exchange: You do not always need money for trading but instead you can exchange your stuff or your own time. How about sewing overall badges in exchange for massage or offering bike maintenance in exchange for kitchen appliances? More information through Kassi service from 18 Apr onwards:

    If you want to start collecting funds for your summer holiday, please sign up by 30 April at The fastest people to sign up can take part in this event.

    4. Do you want to represent Aalto in a swimming contest in Shanghai?

    Tongji University in Shanghai will organise a swimming competition to its universities in cooperation. The competition will be organised on 21‒26 Aug 2011. The University may send one 4-person team (captain, coach, one female and one male representative) to the competition. Tongji will cover accommodation costs and other expenses related to the programme below.

    If you are interested, gather a four-person team and register to the address by 15 May. If several teams are willing to participate, we will interview the captains. Swimming skills and the enthusiasm to represent Aalto in China are further advantages when selecting the team.

    It is good to remember that the expenses on the spot are covered by Tongji but the team has to pay for their travel expenses+taxes, visas, insurances, etc. by themselves. For this purpose, the team can apply for support from Aalto in accordance with the following instructions:

    5. Aid for international projects

    Aalto University  provides an opportunity to apply for financial aid for international projects. This aid is provided so that Aalto members have a better chance to develop their international potential. Please submit your application no later than 30 Apr 2011 at More information and more detailed instructions can be found here ttps:// (requires log in to Inside)

    6. Design a logo for Kyky Project

    Kyky project aims to promote students’ ability to study together with the university and student organisations. Study ability is a student’s work capacity which consists of a student’s resources, study skills, learning environment and teaching and guidance activities. Study ability is connected with learning results, the conduct of studies and the future work capacity.

    Now Kyky Project needs a logo and we declare a logo contest for the students of Aalto University and the University of Tampere. We hope that the logo conveys study ability, communality, student-centredness and active life. The logo’s size, colour and shape are optional. We also need the logo in black and white and it must be suitable to be used in printed materials and online. The winner will be rewarded with 400 euro. You can participate until the end of May.

    Please submit your proposal as a PDF-document to no later than 4pm on Tuesday, 31 May. Laura can also provide further information (044-3093520). The winner will be chosen in early June by a jury which includes representatives from both universities, student unions and the National Union of University Students in Finland. Further information on Kyky Project

    7. New cooking programme of OUBS

    The new production of AYY’s TV channel, OUBS; Kokkaa ite! (Cook it yourself!) started broadcasting on 7 April. Kokkaa ite! Is a cooking programme intended for students, where tasty recipes take into account a tight budget often familiar to students. Presenters Viljami Julkunen and Miikka Pakarinen share cooking tips and techniques. Episodes will be aired on Thursday evenings on YouTube and OUBS website. New episodes will be published for eight weeks.

    Read the latest news, take part in the competitions and read the recipes at:

    In cooperation with: Fiskars Home, Aromi Magazine and K-Market Haaga

    8. ÄPY GALA 2011, Tue, 26 Apr, 3pm

    It is again time to reveal the most famous trademark of May Day, technology students’ own Äpy magazine. Laulikki Äpy shocks the nation with a surprising and cunning yet wonderfully funny product which is perhaps the juiciest ever.

    Welcome to the spectacular Äpy Gala in Hall A of the former main building of TKK on Tuesday, 26 April at 3pm. The surest way to participate in this event is to make a seller contract before the gala which gives you a VIP invitation to the best seats and the cocktail party!

    Further information: and Become a fan of Äpy on Facebook.

    9. Use the FSHS call back service – one call is enough!

    FSHS is piloting a callback service at Töölö and Otaniemi health centres between 15 March and 31 May 2011. It is important that you leave a message in the answering machine if your call is not answered. This will speed up the handling of your case. One call is enough – your details will be saved in FSHS system. Nurses will  call you back on the same day. FSHS aims to speed up the callback service as soon as possible.

    10. Product Design Gala on 20 Apr 2011

    Product Design Gala, the annual review of the student projects of the interdisciplinary Product Development Project of Engineering Design and Production will be organised on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 at Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5 c). Further information at

    The link of the week

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