Newsletter 15/2011

This is AYY’s newsletter 15/2011

Make sure that you are in the right place at the right time.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Leave your mark on history – AYY’s insignia design contest is ongoing!
  3. Invent a smashing name for AYY’s channel!
  4. Traditional declaration of May Day celebrations already at 1pm
  5. Dipoli May Day on 30 Apr
  6. Aalto Mechatronic Circus on 28 Apr
  7. Apply for the mentoring programme 2011-2012 of the School of Economics
  8. 3D research
  9. Scholarships for postgraduate studies, research and university studies in Italy 2012
  10. Protu arranges a world view camp for adults – join the camp!

1. This week’s events

Thursday 28 Apr: kymppisuora boozing tour
Thursday 28 Apr: AEGEE-Helsinki & Setenta RY: Spanish Evening!
Friday 29 Apr: PELMU’s May Day Festival 2011
Saturday 30 Apr: Demonstration of the May Day spirit
Saturday 30 Apr: Manta’s capping
Saturday 30 Apr: Alcohol-free May Day
Saturday 30 Apr: Beer race

2. Leave your mark on history – AYY’s insignia design contest is ongoing!

AYY has the logo, colours and the ribbon – but plenty is still missing! What does AYY’s badge look like? What is the cocard like in Aalto student’s cap? What will flutter in AYY’s flag? The insignia working group will organise a design contest open to everyone on the Student Union’s visual, text-free and, above all, timeless and long-lasting insignia. The contest period is 18 Apr–31 May 2011. The best proposal will be rewarded with 1000 euro. In addition, other proposals may be reclaimed for 300 euro per proposal. The objectives, instructions and the rules of the contest are available here. Participate and have influence.

3. Invent a smashing name for AYY’s channel!

We joyfully announce that we are looking for a new name for AYY’s channel (the successor of OUBS) and you can make a proposal! Is it Mary or Matthew or perhaps Aalto lady or the Box?

You can submit proposals electronically until 5 May or by showing up on Aalto May Day, 26 Apr, from 6pm onwards at Senaatintori Square. AYY’s Communications Group X will collect proposals there. You can recognise Group X by their bunny ears and each person who leaves a name proposal gets a sweet surprise

All participants who provide their contact information participate in the raffle for Tiketti gift card with the value of 70 euro!

4. Traditional declaration of May Day celebrations already at 1pm

The traditional declaration of May Day celebrations by Otaniemi technology students will exceptionally start already at 1pm on the roof of Servin Mökki!

The programme includes the declaration of the winners of various contests, such as the prank contest, the oath of the Police of Espoo and the May Day declaration of the Village Senate of Teekkari Village.

5. Dipoli May Day on 30 Apr

May Day Eve explodes at Dipoli which is once again filled with the May Day atmosphere and students. This year, LCMDF and DJs entertain the crowd.

Show your skills in the prequalification for Mr. Poli contest, find your inner entertainer at Otakala’s karaoke point, party like crazy in Entropy’s basement or just relax and enjoy the performers and the company of your friends! Whatever is your thing, Dipoli has room for it.

You can buy tickets in various events on May Day week and tickets are also sold at Tiketti and the entrance. Ticket price is 8/10 euro (advance/entrance).

Check out the programme and ticket sale times and locations at !

6. Aalto Mechatronic Circus on 28 Apr, 10am-4pm

Come and experience what the Mechatronic Learning Environment can offer – students’ project works and current research topics right after Easter on Thursday, 28 Apr, 10am-4pm at the address Mechatronic Learning Environment, Puumiehenkuja 5 E.

Aalto Mechatronic Circus is show at mechatronic learning environment where the students present their amazing achievements. Some project works are interactive – try and beat the machine!

7. Apply for the mentoring programme 2011-2012 of the School of Economics

Are you at the end of your studies, graduating in 2012 and thinking about where the road will take you? Do not ponder this alone, apply for the mentoring programme for the academic year 2011-2012!

The mentoring programme of Aalto University School of Economics will bring the realities of the working life closer to you. When you discuss with your mentor pair, you get wide-ranging information on the working life as well as new perspectives and ideas for the post-graduation world. Read more at Into

Application form

8. 3D research

Earn 2 lunch vouchers by participating in the research on the viewing experience of emotional videos (2D/3D) by Aalto University’s Department of Media Technology:

9. Scholarships for postgraduate studies, research and university studies in Italy 2012

Finnish university students and young researchers may apply for scholarships for studies and research work in Italy through CIMO. The application period will end on 2 May.

Further information and application instructions

10. Protu arranges a world view camp for adults – join the camp!

Would you like to step outside of everyday life and see how your own world view has been constructed and to which direction it is heading to?

Prometheus Camp Association will organise a world view camp for adults for the first time in the summer of 2011. The purpose of the world view camp is to reflect piece by piece one’s own world view and share views and experiences with others. In addition, we ponder how our way of thinking has been constructed and what are the values on which we base our lives.

The world view camp for adults will be arranged from Wed, 3 August to Sunday, 7 Aug 2011 at Sierla camping centre in Nummi-Pusula. Everyone who is more than 20 years of age and has not previously participated in Prometheus camp can participate. The camp accommodates up to 16 people. The price of the camp is 150 euro and includes the programme, full board and lodging.

Read more information and apply for the camp by signing up

The link of the week

If you have not yet made any May Day mead, make it today. Mead will be ready at room temperature in a couple of days. Recipes for mead and other May Day delicacies are available here

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