Newsletter 17/2011

This is the AYY newsletter 17/2011

The newsletter will be published two more times this spring (16 May and 23 May) and then again in August–September.

  1. This week’s events
  2. Aalto University Student Union’s scholarships granted for the first time
  3. AYY is searching for a chief editor for new AV media
  4. Registration for the academic year 2011-2012 at Aalto University
  5. Tupsahdus Concert on 14 May
  6. Application deadline for inner mobility extended until 16 May
  7. Masters of Arts 2011 festival on 12–29 May
  8. The Finnish labour market, highly educated workers, and Akava
  9. Tongji on Tracks brings 80 students from China to Aalto

1. This week’s events

Wednesday, 11 May: Startup Sauna BBQ w/ Alf Rehn: Motivate yourself!
Wednesday, 11 May: Comedy Wave
Wednesday, 11 May: Spring concert of the Polytech Choir
Thursday, 12 May: Master of Arts, MoA2011
Friday, 13 May: Sporting day with students from Tongji University
Saturday, 14 May: Tupsahdus

2. Aalto University Student Union’s scholarships granted for the first time

This year, Aalto University Student Union will grant its first scholarships. AYY’s scholarships include an exchange scholarship, community scholarship and study scholarship. The purpose of the scholarships is to support the internationalisation of indigent students, support community activities and encourage students who successfully combine their studies and the student life.

In 2011, the application period for scholarships is 8am, Friday, 1 July–Sunday, 31 July, 11.59pm. The decisions on the scholarships will be made by 4pm on Friday, 26 Aug. A second application round will be arranged for the exchange scholarship in the autumn concerning exchange studies in the spring of 2012. Applications are submitted electronically.

Further information on scholarship applications will be published on AYY’s website during May and June.

3. AYY is searching for a chief editor for new AV media

AYY will establish a new channel on 1 June, which will continue as the successor of the television channel OUBS. AYY is now looking for a full-time chief editor for the period 1 June-31 Dec 2011. We offer this opportunity to be involved in creating and developing a new student media to a person who is interested in audio visual media.

The chief editor is responsible for, among other things, the content and finances of the channel, creating a brand for the new channel, and acting as the manager for the editorial staff consisting of employees and volunteers. In addition, the chief editor is partly responsible for ensuring that the information flow between the chief editor and the Student Union is continuous, equal and interactive.

We expect the applicant to have experience in journalistic work, the basics of video production and the understanding of operational processes. The applicant should also have good managerial skills. The Student Union serves its members in Finnish, Swedish and English. In addition, we hope that the applicant has a concrete vision of what a student channel should be like and how it should serve its viewers. Further advantages are the knowledge of the student union and student worlds. The courage to present and implement new ideas, an outward-looking attitude and flexibility are further advantages in this position.

Please submit your application no later than 4pm on 18 May 2011 in accordance with the instructions available on AYY’s website. Please tell about this unique opportunity to your friends as well.

4. Tongji on Tracks brings 80 students from China to Aalto

The Chinese Tongji University will organise a trip to Finland to visit Aalto University in May. A train journey is organised from Shanghai through Russia to Helsinki. The train has departed on Wednesday, 4 May and it will arrive in Helsinki railway station on Tuesday, 10 May, at 6.01pm. The train journey of Tongji University, Tongji on Tracks, is a return visit for Aalto on Tracks project initiated by Aalto students. At that time, 80 students, researchers and partners travelled by train from Helsinki to Shanghai World Expo.

The guests will tour School of Economics and School of Art and Design on 11 May as well as School of Technology on 12 May. Aalto University Student Union will organise a sports day for the guests at Alvari Square in Otaniemi at 1.30pm-4.30pm on 13 May. The day includes both traditional (Finnish) sports from sack race to ultimate and Chinese specialities. All students are welcome to play sports!

On 14 May, Chinese students will design a Chinese pavilion to Helsinki together with Aalto students to celebrate World Design Capital 2012 theme year. This Aalto-China day is open to all students but you have to sign up here. The first 50-70 to sign up may participate in the event.

5. Registration for the academic year 2011-2012 at Aalto University

The registration for the academic year 2011-2012 takes place through WebOodi ( When you register, you can pay the membership fee in WebOodi preferably with online banking identifiers (OP, Nordea, Aktia, Sampo). If this is not possible, you can pay with an account transfer form produced by WebOodi.

The registration period is 2 May-15 Sept 2011. If you have any problems with signing up or have no access to WebOodi, we recommend that you contact the student services of your own school

6. Tupsahdus Concert on 14 May

Tupsahdus Concert will be arranged in Espoo Cultural Centre in Tapiola on Saturday, 14 May, 6pm. The performers include Dominante, PoliRytmi, Polytech Choir, Polytech Orchestra and Retuperän WBK. Tupsahdus concert is a unique opportunity to hear star performers of Otaniemi music associations during one night!

This year, the concert will once again be open to students and tickets are available for 8 euro in advance or at the entrance for the price of 10 euro one hour before the concert. Tickets will be sold in the lobby of the main building of the former School of Technology on 10-12 May, between 10am-2pm, and at Otaniemi service point (Secretariat) and Tiketti.

7. Application period for inner mobility extended until 16 My

If you are interested in carrying out studies in another Aalto University school during the academic year 2011-12, it may still be possible, since the application period for inner mobility was extended until Monday, 16 May. The right to study can be applied for an individual course or a study module.

You can explore the opportunities offered by the schools at Into. The extended application period does not apply to studies of Textile Art and Design and Fashion and Clothing Design provided by the Department of Design at the School of Art and Design. Before applying for the right to study, please get to know the principles of granting the study right and course descriptions.

8. Masters of Arts 2011 festival on 12–29 May

Masters of Arts festival (MoA) of the Aalto University School of Art and Design will be arranged in Salmisaarentalo building in Ruoholahti on 12–29 May.

Masters of Arts is Aalto University’s showcase and a meeting place organised around the thesis of graduating masters as well as interesting events and seminars. In addition to the Masters of Arts, the work of graduating masters of business and technology will participate in the exhibition for the first time. MoA Extended, provides an interesting glimpse into the future when the festival is extended to cover the whole university. The meeting place for arts and culture, Kaapelitehdas, is located only a few minutes’ walk away. Kino Engel screens master’s thesis of Motion Picture, Television and Production Design.

Masters of Arts 2011 is open to the public between 12-29 May 2011 at 12noon–8pm on weekdays and at 12noon–6pm on weekends at Porkkalankatu 13, 00180 Helsinki / Kino Engel, Sofiankatu 4.

Further information:

9. The Finnish labour market, highly educated workers, and Akava

International student, are you interested in finding a job in Finland? Come and listen to a presentation about the Finnish labour market, students’ and fresh graduates’ job hunting, and the academic labour union Akava! Time: 26th May, 5 pm. Venue: Studio at Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5, Otaniemi). Speakers: Liisa Folkersma and Elina Havu from Akava. Organised by AYY and IDSC. The presentation will be followed by the meeting of AYY’s International Degree Students’ Committee IDSC. You are most welcome to stay and see what IDSC is about!

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